[quote=Slendy] "Then......your whim would of gotten you killed. But! You say wouldn't hurt books and seem to be somewhat fond of them. So your free to roam." Xavier walks to a near by book shelf and grabs 3 books. "You know a women interested in books is very attractive." He says sitting in a coach like chair that had his name Imprinted on the side where his back laid and a wooden table holding a lamp stood next to it. [/quote] "Um...thank you. I think?" Honestly, she wasn't sure what to make of either comment, but she was glad that she would at least have access to the library. "I suppose I wouldn't know much about women and what makes them attractive. I don't think about it all that much." VIvi continued to watch the boy as he picked out his books and sat down, wondering a bit about him. He had seemed kind of strange at lunch...though, actually, lunch in general had been strange. Never mind specific people. "I guess...you spend a lot of time here? Since you take care of the books and such? There certainly are a lot here."