[quote=Kilo6] Hey, so what is the current summary right now? Like is there anyone my character can join up with right off the bat or something? [/quote] Here, have my notes so far. Admittedly they tend to focus more on things actually relevant to my character (for instance, I glossed over quite a bit of Omega's backstory), and they need some formatting help, but it's better than nothing. [hider=Page 1] DEADPOOL - Yay! ALPHA - fall, curse, brawl with CHAOS, who kicks ALPHA below PSYGA - Drowning, oh wait, TEAR saves him RAWK & ZM - Appear KEY - "Where are we?" TAOKAFKA - talking to himself OMEGA - creepily appears w/ cane BEE - Draws and sheathes samurai sword, says "I've lost it" DESCARTES - Finally! Wow! WILLA - pulls out hula hoop "My name is Willa" N1-L3 - separates blocks, radio transmits, circles AJAX - Where are we? Who is your master? Why was I summoned? BEE - My name is Bee, no idea, I'm mad WILLA - Not mad! No master CHARLIE - Pets Oreo, sea turtle summons up to him, Corgi[/hider] [hider=Page 2] TAOKAFKA - I hear voices, and FOOD, need FOOD; How'd we get here RAWK - Cyberworld! PSYGA - WOAH ROCKET WOAH TEAR - WOAH CORGI WOAH AJAX - BEE is a good name; Guess you guys aren't servants of the summoners; where's teh emmisary!?; no food; not crazy, we just oughta wait KEY - Rocket! No - Catman! "No food, sorry." press her face to the rocket "Maybe food in the rocket?" WILLA - No food, sorry; I'm WILLA. How'd LINK get here? AJAX, what year is it? Any of you? GS_ANGEL - This is interesting RATTLESNAKE JACK - Howdy. Bit far from the city, y'all CHARLIE - Are you Ruby Rose? TAOKAFKA - I'm adorabloodthirsty, KEY! WILLA, I'm stuck with a videogame character in my head. Follow the Elf, she's got food! PSYGA - I'm dead. I'm definitely dead. *flips open TEAR's hood* TEAR - I'm a grim reaper, you jer-augh! PSYGA - RATTLESNAKE JACK! YAY! TEAR - RATTLESNAKE JACK! YAY! RATTLESNAKE JACK - I don't have a tail... Anyone got a cigarette? RAWK - I'm from 2014/3422. No cigarettes. LINK - WHAT THE HECK IS THE [N1-L3]!? CHAOS - Here, R. JACK, have a cigarette. Oh, and that's a Russian rocket. PSYGA - Oh, thought you were a literal rattllesnake. RATTLESNAKE JACK - Clearly sweatlodge. N1-L3 - Okay, KEY, you're calming. Come in! CHARLIE - to the ROCKET! PSYGA - "I nearly drowned, if that counts as sweat lodging. So... delusions?"[/hider] [hider=Page 3] RATTLESNAKE JACK - Sure, I guess you could be delusion-ing. CHAOS - Ooh, I can screw with people! KEY - It's 2014! Oh, look, the ROCKET speaks via radio! "Teal'c'd" "Food for Kittie? I thought I was dreaming! And I thought I was summoned." TAOKAFKA - "Not dreaming. Needs a- well, now it just needs a whip. Can't have another conscious in a dream. Def. not Earth." Presses button hoping for food. WILLA - "What do we do? Anyone have food/water?" Examine equipment. CHARLIE - Gets to rocket. Pets Oreo. Relaxes. BEE - We could be a threat or they could be messing with us. Or summoned? Or-oh, nice gun. RATTLESNAKE JACK - Thanks! Whassyer sword? BEE - A really cool sword is what it is. RATTLESNAKE JACK - I'm Jack. You are? OMEGA - My cane is cool. AND practical, so ha. RAWK - My gauntlet-cyber-swords are cool. LINK - Look at my stuff! PSYGA - We should go to a sweat lounge. Erm. How's a rocket fit in one? Also, def. just toying with us. TEAR - WEAPONS!?!? I've got a scythe! BEE - I'm Bee. [to OMEGA:] Beer is better. [to R. JACK:] Rich guys don't get it. Also, Waffle House. RATTLESNAKE JACK: [to PSYGA:] Sweat lodges are spiritual. [to RAWK:] Nice sword. [to LINK:] Nice Shield. [to TEAR:] That's no sniper rifle! [to BEE:] Hello, Bee. Drinking is drinking, no class-warfare involved. RAWK: [to R. JACK:]I'm Rawk. LINK: [to R. JACK:]I'm Link, and my shield is awesome and hereditary. OMEGA: The wine's sentimental, not snooty. *war story* WILLA: Figures out equipment. [/hider] [hider=Page 4] RATTLESNAKE JACK: [to OMEGA:] Yeah, well, you ain't lived 'till you... I'm not going to tell you. Who made it, if you dind't? RAWK: To the rocket! *screws with the cameras* LINK: Also to the Rocket! OMEGA: [to R. JACK:] The locals made it SAMUS: We're in the Cyber Realm. Also, /do/ try to avoid the code streams. They warp worlds when you screw with them. KALAMADEA: Go get me this plot coupon - it looks like a piece of something, it's porous, gray, and stone-like. *portalled away!* N1-L3: Ah, I feel much better. Also, this music is grating. CHAOS: Yay! I love doing this! Er, where's ORDIAS? ALPHA: We'll find him eventually. And where's TRUTH? OMEGA: Probably they're somewhere else. SOREL: Hmm. KAL's looking for something important. CHARLIE: *grabs ladder before falling off rocket* Let's follow SAMUS! BEE: WTF, mate? To Castle Town! R. JACK: I'll follow BEE. What's Bombchu Bowling? CHESHIRE: *falls into Hyrule* "Hello? Anyone here?" BEE: [to R. JACK:] It's a walking bomb. R. JACK: [to BEE:] Sounds fun. What'd'you know about this place, anyhow? WILLA: [to BEE:] What's Bombchu Bowling? BEE: Castle Town - Bombchu Bowling & cash, store; Kokiri Forest (south); Death Mountain and Zora to east and west; Field with a ranch and an expensive horse; Lon Lon Ranch with milk. Er, good milk. R. JACK: To Bombchu Bowling! TAOKAFKA: There's less... porn here than I expected. *portalled away* Food! Well, I know where to go. Or we could get better food. Not that we have the right money. But I guess we could trade. Up to you people. CHESHIRE: Oh, those people are far away. "Hey, wait up, jerks!" AJAX: *takes the transition poorly* "What's in Death Mountain?" "Also, anyone know what the heck is going on?" [/hider] So far, we've got a group in the rocket debating where to go, some people standing around, and a group going to Castle Town.