Alice smiled as Melissa spoke of her childhood joys, rather liking the softer side of the girl before her. It made her rueful to have to keep her prisoner, but both of them would surely be put to death if the white-haired woman was released due to her niceties alone. Suddenly, though, the girl shrunk away, causing the blonde to narrow her eyes. Her unspoken question was answered by a finger pointing at a new arrival, and Alice turned and rose to meet the man’s eyes. She listened to him, the placid, stone cold mask replaced upon her face. They were seemingly at a stalemate, and the chill in the room was noticeable. Alice pursed her lips at the man’s monologue, and she had to take a beat to formulate her reply. “I shall educate you now for you may not yet know our customs here in Crescentia, but it is considered especially rude to barge into other people’s homes and conversations without invitation,” she said, voice venomous, though not terribly so. Her eyes narrowed at the man, as as she took half of a step toward him, face, body, and soul fully defiant. “And another thing: people are not trash. No one is worthless, and no one is important enough or powerful enough to view others as such. Not even you with your mask and your cowardice hidden poorly behind it can rightfully call anyone below you. “Melissa Bellum may have made a few mistakes, but people are not animals to be exterminated before someone attempts to make them educated. I will not give her to you, as you obviously haven’t the capability to grasp the value of a human life. Perhaps when you learn it, you can make amends with her, as she has also shown her desire to be as far from you as possible.” “ALICE! PRINCESS ALICE!” The voice echoed down the stairs. Seconds later, Arthur, the royal advisor, appeared in the doorway with three guards about him. “Alice, do not say a word. Just come here and let this man take the prisoner,” he instructed. “It’s late for that, Arty. Guards, come here and stand around the captive. Protect her from this man. Arthur, go back upstairs and be sure to make arrangements for this man to be escorted out. Tell all guards you see to be on full alert.” The guards obeyed Alice’s order, and so did Arthur after some hesitation. The blonde looked back at the masked man. “You are not welcome here, so please go without a fuss. I shall not relinquish Melissa Bellum to you, so it is in your best interest to return to the place from which you have crawled out from.”