[i] “I shall educate you now for you may not yet know our customs here in Crescentia, but it is considered especially rude to barge into other people’s homes and conversations without invitation.”[/i] The man said nothing in response, his golden gleamed gaze only directing back towards Melissa’s shaking form. Meeting contact with him, the girl tried her hardest to squirm away from those all seeing eyes, wishing she could just curl up and disappear. The Masked Man did tilt his head once though as Alice made an effort to approach him. [i] “And another thing: people are not trash. No one is worthless, and no one is important enough or powerful enough to view others as such. Not even you with your mask and your cowardice hidden poorly behind it can rightfully call anyone below you. Melissa Bellum may have made a few mistakes, but people are not animals to be exterminated before someone attempts to make them educated. I will not give her to you, as you obviously haven’t the capability to grasp the value of a human life. Perhaps when you learn it, you can make amends with her, as she has also shown her desire to be as far from you as possible.”[/i] “You speak such strong words towards me,” the Masked Man said in a mocked painful tone. “I come only with news of great joy, even extending my hand in friendship. What better way to make peace with your nation through the elimination of one who sought to take your own life?” His eyes shifted as the sounds of guards came upon them. Ignoring them completely, he continued his speech towards the princess. [i] “You are not welcome here, so please go without a fuss. I shall not relinquish Melissa Bellum to you, so it is in your best interest to return to the place from which you have crawled out from.”[/i] The man chuckled. “Very well. If you must your Highness, then I shall have to reconsider my options and tactics, now won’t I?” He walked towards the dungeon wall before pausing. “Ah, I believe a title is needed for my presence today, yes? Let us see…I suppose you may refer to me simply as…Jester. Farewell Alice of Crescentia. Your actions here prove to be most…interesting.” Before he could leave though, Melissa suddenly leapt forward and crawled her way to the Jester’s booted feet. The clink of her ankle shackles soon filled the small room as she took hold of the Masked Man’s ankle. “W-What about me?” she asked, looking up at him with a wide eye. “M-me…right? I can still kill her! Really, I can! Me and Miranda won’t get caught a second time! Please, let him give me another cha-” “Ah, but I’m afraid you’ve played your role dear Melissa. Maybe in the next act? As of now, consider yourself defected from the Ultimatum.” And without another word spoken more, the man phased through the wall effortlessly, exuding an extremely powerful magic. As the royal advisor went back upstairs to fulfill his orders, Melissa stared at that wall blankly. Her existence meant nothing now. With her role done…she was [i]nothing[/i]. With a twisted and trembling smile, she turned around and this time lunged for Alice. However, she did not go for any sort of death blow. Instead, she grabbed the princess’ ankle much like she had for the Jester’s. Looking up, faint streaks of tears were now beginning to descend from her single seen eye. “H-Hey, Alice? Isn’t it time to kill me yet? Hmm?” Her tears continued to spill freely, even as the smile remained plastered onto her face. “Come on, just for me friend? I promise I won’t cry, honest! P-Please…I don’t wanna live anymore…it’s kinda all pointless now, you know? Heh…you g-gonna do it or not?”