Sol looked at the view screen as it popped curiously. "Wow, that must be really helpful, especially for fighting. Having someone else give you a rundown on your opponent while knowing your own limits must be very helpful." Sol pondered out loud. "Don't worry about babbling I sometimes ramble when i got into a good talk about swords." Sol replied to Cruz's embarrassed comment. Then he looked over at the new student as Cruz did, "Well if you want him to make lots of friends then there's no better place to start then with us!" Sol said grinning and having said so grabbed Cruz's arm and dragged him over to James. "Heya there!" he said cheerfully, "Cruz and I, my name's Sol, are gonna be your new friends here. Guessing from your interest in the Soul Rune i would guess you're one of them intellectual types am i right?" Sol finished quickly. --- The Headmaster grinned "Ho ho ho, teaching is a job for those a little younger than myself. I only take part in a few, specialty classes." He turned to look at Liz after her question "Ho ho ho, child fighting either of these two would be quite silly for someone like you even in a mock battle." He then addressed all of the students there, "Now the other reason i came here was to inform of a.. opportunity available to you. If you seek to grow in either knowledge or power, then you may complete "Tasks" that are available on the notice board." He said gesturing at the board leaning against the wall. "If you complete one of these tasks, return to my office and you will receive some... special training. Or if knowledge is more your taste you may have access to may library for a limited amount of time" He said mysteriously and then sat down at one of the nearby benches to rest his legs.