[center](Image to be determined, suggestions are welcome) [i]"………"[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] ???? [b]Alias(s):[/b] (To be determined) [b]Age:[/b] ???? [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Stands at six foot even, headless, strong well-muscled build. Though the skin does have a paleness to it, his body does seem ‘living’ and contains many scars from healed injuries, as opposed to his head. His head is perpetually in a state of decomposition, and injuries to it will not heal over. Sharp completely black eyes, square face, a head of short stark red hair, sharp teeth set in some form of smirk or smile, skin and flesh are rotting…it’s usually housed (well, actually, sealed/locked up) in a pretty carved white wooden box…there are some small, flower shape holes on one side, though. [b]Personality:[/b] Is relatively well behaved without its head and magic in general…but with…it can be considered a complete flip in ‘personality’. Even though it can’t use its magic to summon up buckets of cold blood to throw onto gawkers, it does still occasionally get regulars pails of unclean water to throw on people. Like a vampire or werewolf with silver, a dullahan avoids gold like humans avoid the plague. The dullahan likes to point at the soon to be dead, since its head is enclosed in a small box and is hard to hear (even with the holes) the voice of. Though it doesn’t seem obvious whether or not it likes being bossed around by its handler, muttering can be heard from the box after certain instances of hesitation, here or there. Whenever his handler puts off buying him a horse, an angry incoherent yell can be heard from his box. The head also seems to be interested in certain smells, light sniffing has been heard when his box has been placed in quiet rooms with messy spice racks or in glasshouses with flowers. [b]Abilities and skills:[/b] -Head is only able to speak Irish, though this is barely heard through his covered box…whole being seems to understand Irish and English -Master Horseman -Senses all forms of magic, but is better at identifying fae magic above all else…but usually won’t inform anyone, since his head is stuck in a box, till it’s too late or the interesting magic subject has passed -Minor unseelie magic (cannot use, since handler keeps the head and keeps it away from contact with the body) -Skilled with bladed (all sword/blade types, some axe, knives) and blunt weapons (shillelagh, leg bone, etc.), this particular dullahan is unskilled with whips -Physically stronger, faster, more enduring than humans. Heals faster, and it’s body even comes back to ‘life’ the night after being ‘killed’…though there have been sensing issues due to having its actual head stuck in a box, and thus usually can’t leave the line of its own sight managed by the handler -Knows how to make things out of human corpses…? Quite the craftsman (think the lair from Jeepers Creepers, or a soldier preserved and made into an armchair, maybe a human leather jacket… (@_@)), if you're into that and let him and also have a body for him to use… [b]Weapons & Equipment:[/b] -Handler gave the dullahan a cane sword to use…but it keeps forgetting how to get the hidden sword portion out [b]Brief History:[/b] As Gan Ceann, part of the unseelie court of fae, it spends much of its existence riding around on its horse…throwing cold blood from buckets on some, killing others, speaking out the names of the soon to be dead when it senses that the person’s time is running out. All this is now in the past. Not much is known, but the handler was given the dullahan’s head from a friend (and sometimes lover) as a gift of protection…a really eerie gift of protection…and also the dullahan. Honestly, his handler does not at all know how this being is considered a fairy to some people.