[quote=ASTA] Had my interest until I saw this. Honestly, I can't suspend my sense of disbelief when sapient beings (whom, by definition, should be capable of heightened echelons of decision-making and abstract thought) are so one-dimensional in how they exhibit the subjective concepts of good and evil. I mean, is there a set rule that says that werewolves need to be murderous douche nozzles and elves are inherently destined to sacrifice their well-being and personal goals and wishes for the sake of everyone else's?At this point, these species don't even seem like living, breathing entities that reside within a dynamic world. They come off as mundane robots. [/quote] I think maybe this vehemence should be held in check. Unfortunately, and I do mean unfortunately, worlds and peoples are often one dimensional save for rare radical individuals. These rare people are those that foment change and which legends are often based off of. Which brings us to our best example. Welcome to the planet Earth. Maybe you've missed out on the last few thousand years but humans really are one dimensional. It's only recently and only in some rare places that real freedom to disagree with your neighbours has been tolerated. Most of the Islamic peoples living in the West are those that disagree with their neighbours and had to leave in order to express their beliefs. In North Korea you simply imply that your ruler is not a god and you are disappeared. Even in the supposed free world there are secular groups with radical values that ostracize those that aren't in line with their beliefs. You're also not taking into account fantasy biology and theocracy. If werewolves happen to be immortal only so long as they consume the flesh of sapient creatures you're obviously going to have a problem seeing them as "victims" after they've eaten your child. Also if Maglubiyet, God of Goblins, proclaims "Kill all Humans" it's going to be hard to resist the call when everyone around you is sharpening knives hoping to incur the notice and appreciation of their deity. Even the strongest, most forward thinking chieftain isn't going to be able to counter the will of his god without serious repercussions.