Ajax adjusted his rag and walked along, shrugging at the mention of bowling and sheriffs. "Fine by me on both points, cowboy". He could hardly think of anything better to do, partly because he wasn't at all familiar with the game and partly because it was in his nature to do the opposite of what he was told, at least at first. Sure, he had no intention of sticking around in Zeldaland forever but he didn't feel like being an overgrown lizard's errand boy either. As for sheriffs, well, he wasn't big on law enforcement either. Fishing around his vest's pockets, which felt much bigger than they did last time, he found his cigarette case and pulled one out with his teeth. No one seemed to pay him, or any of them, no mind for some reason. "The place gives me the creeps, kinda", he said as he lit the smoke. "D'you think they're all like videogame characters, no lives or minds of their own besides a preset routine and pre-recorded lines?". Then, he got the idea. "Well, if they are, they shouldn't mind this, right? Money's always nice to have and even I know that you get it by breaking shit here" he said as he walked up to the plants in the central plaza and punted one of them. If no one came to stop him he'd keep doing that to get some rupees, if someone did mind, well, that was a question answered and he'd deal with it if it happened.