"Get out of here, [i]stupido[/i]. This isn't the time for children." Nightingale said. The words stung a little bit, not unlike his back right now but like his back he tried not to show it. He technically deserved it, considering how he'd been acting just now, but still. [i]Ah yeah, that reminds me.[/i] He thought. [i]I'm probably going to have to pay for gutter repairs.[/i] Gutter repairs weren't that expensive really, but Alto was pretty sure doing property damage in general was a bad thing. Especially to someone who knew he did it. [i]Maybe if this house gets destroyed I won't have to pay for it.[/i] He thought. Suddenly, he was distracted by a water bottle which was flying towards his face. He was considering catching it with his mouth, but then he realized it was a water bottle and he was being stupid. The water bottle smacked straight into his mouth, which was unfortunate. But, he was thirsty so there was that. Looking up, he saw that the black-ops dude had thrown the bottle. And he also had glowing eyes. [i]Well, I've got a robot arm, so who am I to judge?[/i] Picking up the bottle and hauling himself to standing position, he said: [b]"Thanks black-ops dude!"[/b] while waving to him. The black-ops dude however continued his conversation so Alto wasn't sure whether or not he heard that. Nevertheless, water. The bottle was cold too, which was good. He really needed a drink because he'd been running around for the past few hours. Unscrewing the cap, he quickly sculled the contents, a refreshing torrent of water gushing down his throat. [i]Much better.[/i] He thought. Looking back into the house in front of him, he could see the trio still conversing. Alto didn't really seem to be welcome here. Maybe it was time to send that text. Asking for extra instructions wouldn't hurt, would it? He pulled out his phone. The message was still on the screen. With only a moment's hesitation, he pressed send. He didn't really know who his employer was, and maybe that was a bad thing. [i]Well, at least I got water.[/i] He thought.