Evangeline had stayed silent with the stranger spoke to her. She didn't know what to say. There was no vacancy in the inn she went past, and she knew it was quite dangerous for her to wander around on her own, but he didn't understand how desperate she was to get away from home. The girl stopped her crying when the young man helped her up. The way he looked at her bleeding hand made her a little confused. She assumed that maybe he didn't like the sight of it, or something. Before she knew it, he pulled out a handkerchief and started to clean her up with great care. It was a gentle touch that she had not felt before. The longer she watched Azrael, the more confused she became. He seemed to be looking into nothingness. She'd seen him taste the blood, she was sure of it. Unsure of what to think right now, she pulled her hand away and held it to her chest. He then looked at her and seemed to snap out of his little trance.[i]"Mm....okay."[/i] she said softly, nodding and finding her way back out onto the street. Evangeline wasn't sure what to think at the moment. Her new friend seemed to be acting a little odd, but she assumed it was just because he wasn't feeling very well, that's all. They walked around the town for a little while, looking for somewhere where they could settle down and have something to eat. They peered into the window of a quiet place and decided to head inside. By this time Evangeline had put her hood back on, not allowing anyone inside to be able to see her face. If her cover was blown, then she'd end up being in a lot of trouble, and she didn't want that. The two of them sat down at a table in the back and looked at the menus of what the place had to offer. It all seemed like very...rustic food. Evangeline didn't really know what any of it was, and so she put her menu back down and stared down at the rough wood of the table. She'd never eaten food like this before, it seemed like it was food made for the peasants. She wasn't a peasant who could just sit there and have day old stew without giving it a second thought. [i]"Maybe....this wasn't such a good idea after all..."[/i] she said softly to Azrael, her eyes drifting up to look into his.[i]"If someone sees me I....I'll be in trouble and..."[/i] Evangeline bit down on her lip and shook her head. The young girl pulled her hood down and slumped down in her chair, scared that someone was going to recognize her. A moment later, a middle-aged woman came around with a plate of bread. She slowly put it down on the table and gave the girl a funny look.[i]"Is she alright? She seems sick, poor girl."[/i] with a shrug of her shoulders she gave Azrael a smile and headed back into the kitchen to prepare food that other guests had ordered. At the moment, Evangeline didn't really look like she was acting very lady-like, but she didn't care. If she was revealed to the public, she'd get into so much trouble that she wouldn't be able to believe it. [i]"You have something to eat, alright? I'm going outside..."[/i] the ebony-haired girl got out of her chair and walked across the room, opening the heavy door with both hands before leaving. She was only going to sit outside and wait for her friend, as she had no intention of going back home anytime soon. Evangeline wondered what the time was. She had not even grabbed her pocketwatch before leaving home, so she was a little stumped at the moment. The moon was high in the sky, but that didn't seem to help her at all.