[quote=Kkushmar] there is no time limit on how long the virus spreads. if he isn't careful it can spread like wildfire and pretty much cause a global infection. thats why Jemal needs to learn to control it so nothing like this happens. as for weakness... honestly isnt his ability pretty weak as it is? I mean think about it, a person runs at him with a knife, and all he can do is infect him... but that's about it nothing is going to stop the person from killing him because the virus doesnt take effect immediately, it works like every other disease, symptoms first and only then real damage, anyway I posted my first post, if anyone can play along and help me blend in into where the story is at right now :) [/quote] Okay perfect! I love your character! Good job! Everyone is in cafe as the principle is making announcement to meet in court yard to show your gift and a few students have headache and one hs a bloody nose