[Robert] I look over to Elena, who headed towards the blue spot for whatever reason, and turn around once I hear Miles ask me about what I was doing before all of this. "Well... it's kinda funny, I was actually just about to start my first real job, and I was just about to move out of my parents' house when this whole ordeal started," I answer Miles. I then check on Elena, again, but she seems to have gone missing somehow. I would have shouted, but it seemed rude, given that Chance was just starting to answer Miles' question. "I was actually called into war. I was about to head to the base, but, well, this happened instead, and I decided that the war's kinda over now, anyways," I then finally ask "Hey, Miles, you wouldn't happen to have seen Elena anywhere, have you?" I then look around the place, knowing that we wouldn't be able to take on what I've figured out would be a boss without a full party, that, and she's the healer. I head over to the blue spot, myself and hear a feminine voice "Could you wait a moment, bird-boy? I'm in the middle of a talk with Ms. Scales," [i]Bird-boy? I mean, I know I have feathers, and all, but I'm pretty far from a bird... right?[/i] I think as I check the wall, which looked as though it had been polished recently... somehow. That was the first time I noticed that my snout, all this time, actually sort of formed into a beak towards the tip... well, that and the fact that my arms looked like bird's talons, feathers included. I don't let this bother me, and say "Well... looks like we're going to have to wait. I mean, unless you want to head into that possible boss fight without a way to heal our wounds," Chance shakes his head, and adds "Sounds like a suicide option to me," Soon enough, the blue spot expands, and lets Elena out of... wherever she was, earlier. --- [Tony] "We don't really have any other choice," I say to my team. I really did think of any other possible way to approach this, and none of them worked really well, well, at least, not in my head. I finally open the door, and reveal a very large, hulking monster that only vaguely resembles other dragons, and more or less resembles a giant, angry, alligator. "Who the hell-" He starts to shout before turning towards us, and smiling. "Oh, I didn't expect any new subjects, today... heh, you're a little scrawny, but you'll do," what was strange about the man was the fact that it was obvious that he experimented on himself, as there were random lumps all around his body, his right eye, and his left arm were both much larger than their counterparts, and his wings were tiny, and shriveled up for whatever reason, but thankfully, his clothing still fit... even if he was fifteen feet tall and about as wide. He then ran up to us at a surprisingly fast pace, and tried, and thankfully fails to grab me. "Huh? HEY! Your spirit's supposed to be broken! You're not supposed to fight back!" He sounded angry, and threw a punch, aiming for my face, well, given the size of his fist, the entire face, and unfortunately, he actually managed to hit me, and send me flying several feet towards his lab table. I tried to conjure up that rock spire that nearly killed Mike yesterday, but he stepped back and simply stomped on the thing, shattering it. He laughed at that, which gave me some time to shoot him, and even aim... right for his right eye. The bullet went right through its target, yet, he barely even flinched. "What... are you?" I ask, astonished, in a shaky voice. My attempts at hurting this beast seemed to be completely futile, but, perhaps one of my other teammates was capable of damaging this thing. --- : As soon as you reach the blue spot, it expands, and seems to take you into another dimension, where one other creature can be seen, even if only barely. A small, blue, lizardlike creature with what appear to be similarly-colored butterfly wings. The creature looked to be only about as big as your claw, and started to speak shortly after your arrival in this strange place. "Would you like to save the game?" It asked, its voice soft and feminine. She then laughed, and said "Wait, did you actually BUY that? Anyways, my name's Crystal, and, um, I'm technically a certified general practitioner, you know, a doctor, um, OH! And, I was given the ability to heal any wounds, as well as the ability to control time (and space to a limited degree...) and I already know that this fight coming up, it's going to chew you up and spit you out, so, I've set up a spot here for you," Crystal then goes on to add "Y'see, normally, I'm actually kinda weak, but when I'm in one of these spots, well, basically, I get all those powers I just mentioned, now, why wouldn't I just put the entire world into one of these spots? Well... this dimension kinda gets a little... how should I put it... glitchy, I guess, when there's more than seven living creatures in it... it wouldn't be pretty, trust me, I've already tried," a face then appears at what would have been a wall, Robert's face, and Crystal says "Could you wait a moment, bird-boy? I'm in the middle of a talk with Ms. Scales," the face disappears, and she finishes her little speech with "Don't worry, though, I can teleport you back here if you get into some serious trouble... and I'm sure you will," you are then put back where you were, with Robert looking at you, somewhat confused.