[b]Prolouge - A normal day for Deathlok [New Metropolis, August 17, 11:35 AM, 2058][/b] "C'mon. C'mon!" Matt whispered. He had been waiting on this rooftop for 20 minutes now, and finally someone criminal looking had sprung up. Some scruffy white dude with his hands in his sweatpants pockets. That was super shady, but he hadn't pulled a weapon on anyone yet. It was so frustrating being a hero sometimes. Finally, he spotted some other dude, and there was that criminal glint in his eyes. Matt tuned in, and just as he expected, a "Gimme your money!" was half-yelled, and a knife was drawn. "Showtime." Matt said to himself, grinning. He hopped off of the building, using his foot boosters to slow his fall enough not to make an indent on the pavement. "Hey, douchebag!" Matt shouted to the criminal, hands cupped around his mouth/speaker to amplify the sound. A pissed off and surprised mugger took a look back to see a robot teenager taunting him. "Who the hell 'er you?" He asked, shifting his focus to the metal boy. "I'm Iron Heir." Matt said as he drew his blade. "Wanna knife fight?" Knife-guy dashed ahead and made an attempt to stab Matt in the side. Matt dodged swiftly, and threw a punch at his face. The criminal crumpled beneath Matt's metallic fist and groaned in pain. Matt put his foot on the criminal's chest and aimed the katana at his face. "Dude, I know you're probably strapped for cash, but robbing people isn't the answer. Now get out of here, before I call the cops." Matt placed his foot on the ground, and watched the criminal run off, rubbing his face. "So, hi." Matt said, now directing his attention to the businessman trembling in fear. "It's cool dude, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm a hero, saving people is what I do."