This was bad, this was really bad. Jedi Temple under attack? He knew this was a time of war, but here he was looking barely out into the corridor and he could see a glimpse of clone troopers busting down doors and firing at the first thing they see, besides other clone troops that is. He was strangely calm, but he did not doubt it, such a thing was instinct to him by now. Many times he had been searched for, and the adrenaline of hiding came under his control. On the other hand, he had to figure out where to go next... The hangar was an obvious choice, but it was possible that the clone troopers have already moved to secure it and prevent escape, though all the same, Jedi both knights and otherwise of any rank may already be there trying to secure an escape. It all came down to speed then... If they can get there in time, they can secure a vehicle for escape quite easily. The problem was that Asher himself had very little experience with vehicles. So his best option was to find a strong survivor and join them while offering assistance. The clone troopers down the hall quickly made their way down the hall in his direction. He slipped back and away from the hall as the clone troopers would simply run by, and after they did so, Asher moved down through the hallway they had just exit. After many other similar encounters, he kept a low profile as he soon found the main hallway towards the hangar. Predictably, he could also sense a troupe of storm troopers running down from the other way. He had to find another way in... Perhaps through the control room a floor above...? Deciding this was the best course of action, he quietly walked to the ventilation, and using the force he slowly and quietly undid the fastens. Usually you would need tools to do this, but he has seen technicians do this enough times to understand roughly how it went. After a couple mess-ups he finally did, lowering the lid and hiding it before with the aid of the force, he leaped high enough to grab onto it, and off he went. Following a small adventure in the ventilation system he eventually ended up beside the control room, and two clone troopers were there, along with a few dead Jedi, and among that, dead clones, though he couldn't see the actual count for any of them. The troopers were putting away their weapons, or at least one of them was as they began hitting the controls, likely to lock down the hangar, while the other was on watch. Normal process. Fortunate was his position too, he can see them both clearly, and can see the other exits. There was no one else. In fact this was probably one of two teams, one heading for the hangar directly and the other hitting the control room, this one. He waited for his chance... He didn't have the agility to jump out and strike them both down, that wasn't his thing. He may be able to deflect some shots, but he was no good at deflecting them back for a reflect-kill, yet at least. So he waited, and as one trooper came close enough, he tripped him with the force, before extending his lightsaber through the vent and stabbing him. With one swing he ripped the vent door apart as well, and before the last trooper could properly draw his weapon he was pushed back into the console before Asher reached him with his green blade. After that, he began to take a few deep breaths... Taking another life... Practical, it was easy... But the adrenaline, was going to take time. It was fortunate these men were not men with families, such an act would weigh heavily on him. "Now then... Let's see if anyone else made it to the hangar yet...", he said, as he walked towards the main console, with the entire hangar in view before him behind the glass.