As the others in the group began to introduce themselves, Vincent listened intently memorizing their names as they spoke them. He had to admit it was quite a shame to see so many who still had things to live for, here, wherever here may be. None of the others had done anything like he had, none of them had opted out, or at least none of them said they had, though whether or not they had mattered not. While yes it appeared that each individual had died none appeared to share any other characteristics beside that. This to him was the strangest part of waking up here, not the beautiful sky, that appeared to him to look almost hand painted in the way it filled the sky, not the soft breeze that carried a soothing, yet anonymous scent to them, nor was it the large floating sections of land in the sky on which perched castles. No, it was the fact that out of all of this seeming perfectly constructed landscape, stood eight apparently deceased people. None, of who appeared to have any idea of where they were, and maybe even worse all seemed to take it in stride. Perhaps if one broke down in denial, sadness, anger, whatever it may be, maybe something would happen. Mayhap someone would step into view and yell for them to quiet, or maybe the world would shatter and this dream would dissolve, leaving only fragmented memories of this land in the head of the one awoken in the middle of the night by their odd dream. Noticing that introductions were done and out of the way, and some of the group had already dispersed Vincent took the moment to inhale deeply through his nose. Whatever was in the air was almost addictive in scent. Turning in a circle he appraised this new world. Nowhere did he see any other people beside them, rather odd in his opinion. After all if this was apparently were the deceased came after life on Earth then why were there so few of them. Even if they had all died at the exact same time there should be more. Hmmm. Same time, now there was something. Glancing back at everyone it was obvious they were all from the same time period, but now he was curious as to how close each person was time of death wise. Though perhaps they were linked in another way, or maybe there was no connection at all maybe they were all together simply because they belonged with no one else. There was the possibility that other dead people ended up somewhere else, or maybe they woke up first and moved along, possibly died again and went somewhere else. Vincent had to wonder if this whole dying and waking on another planet, plane of existence, or whatever, happened everytime that you died, maybe if one died enough they could cycle through back to Earth. By this time he had already sunken down to the ground and was laying down with his eyes fixed on the beautifully crafted sky, while running his fingers through the strange alien grass. Closing his eyes Vincent spoke, whether or not anyone was still around to listen he knew not, "Just going to share some thoughts here, but does anyone else wonder why only us eight are here, or whether this whole death, and awaking on a new planet thing continues on indefinitely?" Sighing quietly Vincent was quiet for a moment, before he chuckled quietly to himself. "On the bright side maybe we don't age anymore." Before he could continue to blather away stating almost any observation that manifested itself in his head, a voice calling for them to look at something or other interrupted his thoughts. Opening his eyes Vincent glanced towards the source of the call to find Zephyr if he remembered correctly, pointing towards a pair of floating balls of light one yellow and another purple. The lights appeared to be making their way towards the general area in which the group began, and where he was currently laying. Sitting up he kept his gazed fixed upon the strange gaseous looking balls, until suddenly one spoke. Blinking a few times Vincent shook his head, he himself was rather shocked by it's capability for speech. The two floating lights introduced themselves, how without a mouth, Vincent wasn't sure. With no hesitation the two seemingly excited orbs offered up a name for this strange new place. Thera. Vincent found himself thinking how odd it was that this two alien entities could speak English, and even how this place shared the name of a Greek island. It was then that the two creatures told them they could ask any questions if they had them. Gathering his thoughts to speak Vincent was beat to the punch by the young woman had died in the fire, Wen. After letting her ask her question the now former professor debated whether or not he needed to add anymore. Deciding to try satiate his curiosity he looked towards the pair of sentient lights and inquired, "I would very much like to know how you speak English? Are we not the first to have come here?"