It'd have been preferred if you posted it here first, but thats too late now. We'll give you a semi-quick review. First of all, we made a mistake in the CS thread. Its been mentioned somewhere else that we don't want further characters who are not aligned with some pre-existing faction. At this point, the preferred factions for people to be aligned with would be: The Order of Idris The Kalesian Empire The Kingdom of Othea Intriguing relic design. We're rather skeptical to the idea of it granting immortality, even taking into account the fact that it doesn't mean invulnerability. Also, relics either bond with someone, or they utterly ignore them. They can't be forced into a bond. Please give him an actual age. Relics can extend lifespan, but it is always at a cost. The abilities do feel a touch too powerful, though. Combining the fact that it prevents him from dying of age, can kill most anyone, summon powerful spirits who have powerful abilities and provide him with a powerful weapon makes it extremely powerful. It doesn't feel like it has sufficient balancers. We would recommend cutting down a bit on the boons and adding some flaws to it. Here are some suggestions you might explore to lessen the overpowering abilities of the relic: - Perhaps it draws on his spirit/soul, making him somewhat wraithlike (think a bit like what the Morgul knife was trying to do to Frodo in Lord of the Rings) - perhaps instead of summoning physical beings with mighty powers, it can summon a few spirits of those it has consumed? Those spirits would probably not last long before they return "home", but could be rather ravenous and potentially very dangerous to their targets (think a bit like powerful wraith-spirits). You could perhaps think up "roles" for said spirits, roles like defend, attack, spy, etc. - Explore concepts where it could perhaps change his personality or skills rather than grant actual powers. The scythe in itself feels too powerful Anything with "impossible" in it calls up our skepticism. Also, we'd very much prefer it if you made him less grim-reaper like. That entity has nothing to do with the world of Azukhar. Appearance: Try to go with a somewhat more realistic appearance. The laws of physics and anatomy still exist here. Aside from the relics themselves, the world of Azukhar is a plain medieval society, following many of the norms, but with some nations having significant cultural deviances (gender equality, for example) History: The people all know about relics. In Othea they've in recent years become less welcome due to the Order of Idris gaining more influence, but the people still know of them. Also, relics don't have age-restrictions (other than the obvious of not activating for infants). They can activate for essentially anyone. The older he is, the more people knew of relics. The people of Azukhar are all descendants of people who lived in the Old Kingdom. Personality/Motivation: This doesn't work. Refusal and inability to connect with others inevitably results in characters that are loners, that don't get involved in the rest of the plot. Give him a realistic personality, please. Relations: See previous point. one final note: Once bonded, it can be very dangerous to get separated from one's relic. If the distance is too great, it is lethal. Edit: Having relations does not mean that your character has to be an outgoing fellow. Not everyone are suited for playing such. (ourselves included)