[hider=Holly Gabrielle Baless] [b]Name:[/b] Holly Gabrielle Baless [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] Ellie, Angel [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Height:[/b] 5’5 [b]Weight:[/b] 120 [b]Home District:[/b] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] A dirty blonde. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Holly is ½ Russian and ½ German. [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Holly, visibly, is one of those goody two shoes girls. A natural beauty, her form is complemented by taking good care of herself and proper attention to her skin and hair and such. This, however, is not to be mistaken with vanity, which Holly would never do. No, she comes off as presentable, and one considers that if Holly really put forth the effort, she would be that much prettier. In a hilarious contrast to her personality, Holly’s form is soft. She’s slightly curvy, and while she plays sports she doesn’t have the incredibly toned physique that very serious athletes are blessed with. Holly’s face has a faint splash of freckles on her cheeks and her ears taper just a bit, almost elfish. Her smile, the result of many years of braces and flossing twice every night, is radiant, and it’s nearly always on her face. She’ll have laugh lines before she’s twenty. Ellie’s posture is ramrod straight, and she moves briskly-always rushing somewhere, always purposeful. Ellie tends to look someone straight in the eyes as she speaks to them, a trait that can unnerve some. Her appearance does radiate energy, however-whether it’s the smiling or the hurried nature of her movements, she’s always giving off an impression of purpose, of having something to do and being excited about it. Holly’s nose is a bit upturned, giving an innocent touch to her features, and between her modest dress and general cheeriness, she doesn’t come off as sexualized or seeking romantic attention. She tends to sit regally, folding her legs under her as she’s nearly always wearing a skirt. [b]Attire:[/b] Holly dresses nicely but not gaudily. One might describe her wardrobe as a little stiff-she usually wears skirts and nice blouses, but occasionally a dress. She’s fond of bright colors and clothes that give off warmth and energy-she brings out black only for the funerals. She likes heels because they give her an extra boost to her height. [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Personality:[/b] God bless Holly. There are a lot of Bible-thumping types out there, and Holly is among them. However, to her credit, she practices what she preaches. While many disagree with her beliefs, or the fervor with which she holds them, one can’t say that Holly isn’t a kind indivudal. Altruistic and caring, she is hardworking, dedicated, and determined. She’s also annoying as hell to a lot of people, but most will grudgingly admit respect for her dedication to her faith. I mention Holly’s faith first because it truly is at the core of her being-in all things, Holly sees God/her faith. Holly’s uncompromising stance on morality and ethics is a deterrent to a great many people: she’s not very wise on which battles she should choose and which sleeping dogs she should just let lie. Her own adherence to her beliefs brings up strong feelings of guilt and compulsion in Holly: she’s a harsh critic of herself, and despite her outward confidence and security, often struggles with her own morality and faith at times. Holly, however, does have a strong belief in God and the inherent goodness of people-her idealism is nigh unshakable. Holly’s altruistic and has racked up a few thousand community service hours over the course of her life. While sometimes abrupt and judgmental, her heart is in the right place. She eagerly encourages others to attend church, convert, etc, out of a desire to help them. She’s often confused as to why people are annoyed by this or agitated by her repeated insistences: Holly’s not the best at taking hints. Holly’s also pretty bad at politics, and can walk into pretty obvious social traps at times. She’s headstrong and unflinching-she’s not one to run away from fights and not one to stand by quietly. Holly’s caused quite a number of little controversies, and her group of loyal friends is fairly small as a result. Again, good intentions, sweet girl-just a bit lost concerning how to go about doing it. Holly is also not entirely in touch with her sexuality. She has never had a boyfriend and generally considers herself to be far too busy to bother with silly things like boys. She looks down a bit on girls who throw themselves at boys and abhors public displays of affection. How tasteless! She’s very traditional with most of her beliefs-she’s pro life, disapproves of gay marriage (however, she’s not rude to gay people), and is against the legalization of marijuana. Holly, however, is a fairly empathic person, and while her personal opinions on someone’s actions may slip out unintentionally, she’s generally pretty good about trying to be polite if nothing else. She does recognize the weight and severity of abortion, for example, and while she personally doesn’t know what else someone expected from only-for-procreation-sexual-relations, she can sympathize with someone undergoing that struggle. Her general solution to problems is to tackle them head-on and apply of her energy and focus to one task at a time. She is a perfectionist and a hardworker-two traits that have helped her stay on the honor roll despite her not being the smartest. She’s by no means stupid, but isn’t gifted academically as some are-she has excellent grades, but studies hard for them. Holly is a pacifist, abhors violence in all its many forms. She also strongly condemns alcohol and drug use-although she’s more neutral about alcohol consumption behind closed doors in one’s home. She finds public intoxication disgusting and doesn’t understand why kids go and get drunk to have fun. Bah! She’s not one to be scared easily (although she often fears for the moral state of this country) and is almost suicidally overconfident in dangerous situations. [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] Holly has a very lovely voice (two guesses as to where she uses it, and the first one doesn’t coutn) and enjoys riding horses. She also likes doing community service, as mentioned above-she has fun working at soup kitchens, picking up trash, so on and so forth. Holly also likes watching TV and movies, but there’s not a whole lot she really approves of. She mostly sticks to cool Disney films and such. Between her younger siblings, activism, and schoolwork, she doesn’t have much time to do a whole lot else. Holly also plays soccer. [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] She’s a Biblical scholar, and is extremely determined and hardworking, which are two skills that will take someone further than most others will. Holly’s also skilled at organizing and getting things done. She’s not a leader in the super charismatic “I can talk you into doing anything” way, but her headstrong confidence and no-holds-barred enthusiasm is certainly inspiring. [b]Prized Possession:[/b] Probably her rosary. [b]Quote(s):[/b] “Lovely day today! God bless!” [b]Family:[/b] Two parents (father is a minister, mother was a missionary but now stays at home) and three little brothers. [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [Character name] | [Impression (Good/Bad/Neutral]] | [Relationship (Friend, Rival, Crush, etc)] | [Character's thoughts [EX: I think Bob is quite the amiable fellow, has a great head on his shoulders, wouldn't want anyone else on my side]] | [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class & Rating:[/b] Super-System [b]Power:[/b] Yea, for in those days men shall know fear, and its name shall be Ellie. Holly’s power is intertwined with her faith. Now, her power isn’t actually mandated by God-however, she views it as such, and through her faith, to her it is holy. This is pretty integral to understanding the rest of it. Holly is capable of producing and manipulating holy energy-this is primarily in a few set ways. St. Elmo’s Fire. Holly is able to conjure St. Elmo’s fire, a flame which does not burn. It is, however, incredibly bright-if Holly is going all-out, it is painful to look upon her. Instead of a harsh heat, it gives off a reassuring warmth. Her flames have mostly positive effects: they are a purifying force. Poisons and toxins are eliminated around her (this also includes lactic acid buildup: those in her immediate vicinity will be reinvigorated, and this also explains some of her constant enthusiasm) as is doubt and fear. She’s a rallying presence: while her flames can’t harm anyone, they bolster those around her. The flames are a strong protective force-while she’s not invulnerable, they do make her much more durable, and the flames shrug off psychic attacks. One cannot speak lies or cast illusions in the presence of the fire as well. Now, to clarify, she’s not throwing around this stuff Avatar-style. Instead, she draws up her power and essentially becomes a corona of intense light-St. Elmo’s fire, like a halo, gathers around her head, shoulders, and arms. If she lays her hands upon someone, she can confer it to them for a brief while, but it will eventually flicker and fade out if separated from her. The extreme intensity of the light varies depending on who sees it-those allied with Holly or fighting with her are not affected as harshly, but any who are fighting against her may have difficulty maintaining eye contact. [b]It is really fucking bright. [/b] In the immediate presence of the fire, feelings of guilt and remorse become more pronounced, and many feel physically comfortable as a result. Healing. Holly is also a very capable healer, and while the hospitals are leery of letting her near patients, Holly is an adept healer. Her fire dispels bacteria and toxins, which is generally helpful. She’s able to channel some of her energy into someone else to infuse them with quintessence-“life force”. This process is basically a pure injection of stem cells into someone’s body, along with replenishing and balancing out the materials the body needs to work with. Holly can’t bring back the dead or cure certain conditions, but she’s a potent healer, and is a valuable ally for anyone with a tendency to get hurt a lot. Luck. Holly does not have anything drastic like luck manipulation, or the kind of extreme luckiness that would come with having luck as a primary power, but she’s certainly got a lucky streak. She attributes this to her being rewarded for her faith-regardless of whether or not this is true, things do seem to work out her way fairly often. Holly also displays a strange immunity to "Power" powers-her powers can't be replicated or fiddled with by other metahumans. She attributes this to her powers being something more than mere metahuman. [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] First and foremost, none of her powers can be used to directly harm another. She can’t burn anyone with the fire or anything. She can maybe mess up your night vision for a couple hours but that’s about it. Holly’s also a pacifist, which is considered by most to a severe psychological weakness, known by psychiatrists as “bein’ a lil bitch”. Second, while others focus to use their powers, Holly goes off faith. If her faith is wavering or she’s shaken up emotionally, she may be unable to use her abilities. As such, if she feels she’s acting against the way things are meant to be, her powers may not function at all. Finally, if she draws blood, she can’t use her powers until she’s cleansed herself entirely. This is a pretty succinct list of weaknesses, but she’s a pacifist. She will help others in fights but refuses to lift a finger to harm another. Her very easily manipulated honor and fairly predictable tendency to do help others regardless of how foolhardy it is are also pretty considerable weaknesses in and of themselves. Her immunity to "Power" powers also means she cannot reap from any of the benefits of those "Power" powers. [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] None. [b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b] “Language!” Ellie chided, kneeling down beside the half-dead man. His hands were clutched to his chest, which was a bloody, ripped up mess. “Can you hear me?” Ellie asked, taking his soaked, trembling hands with her own. “Agh! Fuck! Yes…I…” “Sh. Quiet. It’s okay.” Ellie’s voice was soothing, almost musical-there was a certain tone of absolute assurance in her voice that did help to calm the man, helped to assuage a bit of the shock he was undergoing. The man’s body was shaking and shivering. Ellie briefly considered calling the paramedics but figured he wouldn’t make it waiting for them. Well, when there was not a way amongst men, there was a way with God. “Sh. It’s alright. Lord. Please be with this man. Please help him.” Ellie, softly, began to glow, a faint light dancing from around her head to her shoulders to her hands. With each passing second she began to glow a bit more, St. Elmo’s fire finally coursing smoothly and softly down her arms and onto the almost-cadaver before her. He groaned for a moment, perhaps out of pure shock, but he quickly relaxed: his pain was…gone? That couldn’t be right. Was he dead? This bitch was a weird looking angel. Ellie continued to murmur softly to herself, her face strained with contortion. The more severe the energy, the more effort it took on Ellie’s part. Well, that was a bit of a misstatement-Ellie wasn’t doing very much here, no, not very much at all. She was a mere conduit, the messenger. She was glowing in earnest now, a swathe of the empty parking lot bright as day, and yet to the man (who was feeling quite alright now-he had sensations of warmth in his toes again, which he hadn’t realized he’d lost) before her it was a mild, gentle glow. A few moments passed-perhaps a whole minute. It was so easy to lose track of time. Ellie gasped for air and opened her eyes-they were glassy and dilated, out of focus and hazy. The flames around her dimmed a bit and she blinked a few times, coming to her senses. “Do you feel better now?” she asked, looking down at her patient. The wounds in his chest were sealed-there was still blood all over the place, and he would want to avoid any strenuous activity for a little while, but he would make it. “We should probably call the…the…umm….” “911?” “Yes, them,” Ellie said. “Sorry. Whew.” Ellie stood up and offered the man her hand. It took a moment to convince himself he was capable of it, but he woozily stood back up, feeling rather alright. A few pieces of metal fell to the ground as he did so, and it took Ellie a moment to realize they were bullets. He’d been shot! “Goodness! You’ve been shot? Who shot you? Should we call the police? Where did they go?” Ellie scanned the nearby parking lot, but it was futile-it was dark, now, and she hadn’t seen any nefarious types running past she walked by. A funny coincidence, really, that she’d been over here. Her car had broken down and she was walking to go get a pay phone, as Ellie generally didn’t believe in using cell phones, and she stumbled across this poor denizen of The Dead End. “No, no, don’t call the police, that’s, uh, that’s-“ “Why not? Surely you want to see justice done!” “Well. Um. I’m real thankful for what you did, I mean real thankful, but, um, that’s…that’s not…” Ellie’s brow furrowed as she looked up at the man. This parking lot certainly did seem seedy-not at all the sort of place an upstanding citizen would wish to traverse at this hour of the night. Of course, Ellie, herself an upstanding citizen, was only here at this hour of the night because of her youth group and an unfortunate car breakdown, but that was hardly the point. Hardly the point at all. “Sir, might I inquire as to what you were doing here that led up to your…condition?” The man stayed quiet for a moment and nervously took a step back, a clear look of guilt on his face. “Um. Look. Let’s just say the cops being called would, uh, not benefit either part-“ Ellie reached forward and opened up the man’s jacket, prompting a furious “Hey!” from him. Standing about half a foot beneath him, and easily a hundred pounds less, this was perhaps the most one-sided mugging in history. Ellie drew out a sizable bag of what she could only presume was marijuana-she, admittedly, wasn’t actually sure. “Ugh! You would throw your life away over this?” she shook the bag angrily. “Why, I would still have saved you had I known this was the…the…” “Look, I’m real appreciative, but that bag cost me a lot of-“ “It will cost you far more than money!” Ellie said defiantly. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her form beginning to glow faintly, and then with increasingly intensity. “No! No wait-“ After a few seconds buildup, she burst into St. Elmo’s fire once more, the flames running down and devouring the marijuana-one could, perhaps, make an argument that they were not toxins, but Ellie believed them to be, and that sufficed-in a second or two. Nothing but a bag of ashes remained, and Ellie’s form gradually dimmed. She returned the bag to the man with a look of righteous fury upon her face. “I hope you reconsider your life choices, sir! You are on a very dark path. Violence! Drugs! Where do you think you would’ve wound up had I not happened across you lying there a few moments ago?” The man, visibly freaked about by this girl, stammered. “Um. I don’t know. Nowhere?” “Far worse than nowhere, sir! Far worse! I may not be there next time for you, but you should consider befriending someone who will be!” Ellie opened up her satchel and drew out a Bible, one of many she tended to carry on her and distribute throughout the day. “Good evening to you.” She turned and stormed off, taking a few deep breaths as she did so. Ugh. Bleh. Doing the work of the Lord was always rewarding, but sometimes she questioned if these sorts even paid attention to her. Ellie stormed out of the parking lot, leaving a rather confused and alarmed drug dealer behind. “Well at least she didn’t get the crystal.” [/hider]