There was a flicker in Arlana's senses, and her attention shifted away from the fallen Padawan to the hall she had just come from. Horror twisted her features - they had gotten behind her somehow, she could sense the horror from the children, and even as she rose to her feet and readied her lightsaber she knew she would never get there in time. Pain and rage flowed together and she felt a darkness all around her, beckoning her with the power she would need. [i]Run, Arlana. Don't give in to hate.[/i] The voice of the old master broke into her thoughts for a moment, and his spot in the Force shone bright and clear as a star, resolute against the darkness. Then a moment later it faded away, and with him all the little pinpricks of light began to blink out, one by one. Arlana turned and bolted, tears streaming down her face, barely restraining the scream that longed to rise up her throat. She ran blindly, not sure where she was heading. Towards the rear of the Temple, she thought, but beyond that nothing.