[Cu Chulainn, Center Building, Shinto] "A tournyment, you say?" The servant in the blue jumpsuit(?) stated to the pair which seemed to "control" the grail in a sense; the individual known as "Ruler", a servant created as a "fail safe" to ensure a war would remain within a homeostatic position. Such an individual was offering a "contest" for "obtaining favor". This means that the individuals who had decided to participate within this fight were those who would simply have an advantage, either within fights or a conceptual advantage in relevance to those who would not compete. However, the cost was one's life. Despite this, Lancer considered this to be an advantageous situation. A fight like this would simply allow for this fight to end sooner. Cu Chulainn did not believe there was another Servant who could match him, and if there was, this was the reason he wished to fight this war. He wished to fight against those who called themselves "heroes" as Cu believed himself to be the strongest, never losing in life, and believing such to continue into his "reborn" life. Cu looked towards his surroundings. He could not believe that any of these heroes would be able to fight against his prowess in battle. "I'd like to sign up for this little "battle" of yours." Yes