Tactus stopped suddenly in the middle of one of the many large open hallways of the Temple. He looked up from the datapad in his blue hands and listened. He cocked his head to the right and aimed his ear behind himself down the long hallway. He had heard a blaster go off, but it wasn't one set to stun. Then more......and more, barrages were beginning to break out. He focused intently on the noise trying to see if he could decipher the weapons that were being discharged. It only took him a moment to realize that it was a DC-17 being fired, but why though? If there were separatists attacking.......Tactus thought to himself for a moment before it hit him. The death he could feel in the force like some kind of dull pain. He turned around listening more intensely to the sound which he had become so accustomed to during his time in the war. Then an explosion shook the ground beneath him. It felt distant but it was some large weapon, he thought maybe a turbo laser. Then the marching came, as he focused on what he was hearing the marching was growing louder. Perfectly in step marching in the temple was rather, and if it was separatists it would be more metal not to mention a lack of separatist weapon discharges. Clones, he thought it has to be clones. But why were they here at all and why were they shooting up the place? No........no it can't..... Before Tactus was able to finish that line of thinking a row of clones maybe 10 wide began rounding the corner towards him from the direction of the front entrance. If Tactus was even half right it was time to leave. Tactus quickly turned on his heels and began sprinting away from the clones. He knew there would be more than the 10 he had seen that was how they fought. He rounded a corner just as a absolute wave of blue fire enveloped the hallway he was just in. For a second he thought what if they had just misidentified him? But if that was the case they would have yelled or something. He quickly pushed that thought down into his mind and again returned to sprinting. Where would he go though? If they really were under attack nowhere in the temple would be safe from the clones. Having fought along them and even lead them he knew how they operated. These men were extremely efficient, having caught a glimpse of there armor though he was able to identify them as the 501st. This just hastened the idea in his head that regardless of what was happening he needed to get away from the clones and figure out what was happening. He thought for a second as he continued sprinting rounding corners into hallways where he couldn't here that march. The hanger, he could get a ship and get above this and find out what was happening. He quickly plotted out a route from where he was to the hanger in his head. But as he rounded another corner he came apon a gruesome scene. Clones cut in half or crushed with a dead human Jedi in between the group of about 7 clones. His mind raced as he tried to process what he was looking at, all the while steam was still rising from the corpses. Maybe the knight had aggravated them? He didn't know for sure, but again he pushed the thought out and stepped over the bodies. But just before he left the pile he picked up a DC-17S off one of the clones. He then quickly went around and picked up as many spare cartridges as he could find. Though it wasn't much it was better than nothing. He had left his carbine in his quarters seeing how he wasn't expecting to be attacked today. He gripped the weapon tightly and put the extra ammo into his belt pockets as fast as he could without breaking the fragile cartridges. He backed away from the bodies slowly still not wanting to believe but then he heard the marching again. He jumped into a sprint again and realized he was getting near the hanger. He knew that he was running towards a firefight without even using the force to hear. Other jedi must have had the same idea as him, but so would the clones...... He quickly corrected for the hanger control room. He knew that there was an overlook there and he would be able to asses his changes of getting a ship there. As he neared the hanger he began to see more scenes like the one he had seen earlier. Though most of these looked less recent than the one he had just seen. There was a particular concentration of dead around the control room door. He could feel the death in the force strongly as he stepped over the bodies and got to the door. It was unlocked but when he opened it he saw a figure looking out of the overlook. Tactus quickly drew his saber before realizing it wasn't a clone. Still hesitant of lowering his saber he called out to the figure "Identify yourself now!"