Name: Mathew "Matt" Taylor Age: 19 Gender: Male Gemstone: Opal [hider=Appearance] [img=] Matt's eyes are a cloudy white normally however they look much more like opals when his powers are in use. Wears thick black glasses most of the time due to his blindness and eye color.[/hider] Personality: A "people person", Matt is concerned for the well being of not only friends and relatives but also that of people he hardly knows. In addition Matt becomes distressed when people are aggravated and tries to be a mediator between abrasive personalities. At the heart of it Matt just wants people to be happy and get along with one another. Gifts (Limited to Three): [i]Psybolts[/i]: Bolts of pure psychic aggression, psybolts have enough kick behind them to send a man flying across the room and have the added bonus of growing more powerful as his aggression grows. The drawback of course is that if he isn't feeling all that angry he cannot use his power. [i]Mind Walk[/i]: Matt can travel into other peoples minds. By doing so he enters into a world constructed by the persons subconscious, filled with their dreams, hopes, and fears. While inside someone's mind Matt can look into peoples memories, fight their inner demons, and help them deal with inner problems they cant on their own. However, while inside someone's mind it leaves both Matt and the other person in a trance like state. Secondly the process is highly...intimate and he will not do so without explicit permission. [i]Clairvoyance[/i]: Using his mental eye Matt can see from the perspective of people, animals, plants, and objects. Not only allows Matt to actually see but also gain knowledge of a subjects past and present. Bio: Matt has had a relatively normal, if not hard, life. Being born blind he has had to do everything up hill and none of it has been easy. From going to school to making friends, nothing has ever been a cake walk. However he has had a loving pair of mothers who have been nothing but supportive during every step of his life and hasn't even been bothered that he's never known his biological parents. Over the years only one thing has bothered him, his powers. Shortly before highschool began he had a flash of sight from the perspective of a falling leave. The sight stunned him as he had never actually seen before, only a vague blankness. At first he was ecstatic, however it quickly changed to fear when one day he entered the mind of his mother during a nightmare and caused a hole to appear in his wall. All throughout highschool he has refined his powers to the point where he can control them with minimal damage but at the cost of social isolation and therefore very little friends. This has brought him down somewhat however he knows it was for the better good, at least he hopes so. Now finished with highschool and taking a year off before college Matt has been helping around the neighborhood before he got the letter. With a little pushing from his mothers Matt has made his way to the mansion.