Rucks managed to walk - or rather stumble - back to the ship with relative ease. Compared to his journey off of the ship that is. He had managed to make it so an actual honest to goodness doctor and he didn't even need an appointment! What a time to be alive, the city was bustling but it seemed to not have much need for medical attention. The doctor was - as far as Rucks was concerned - a miracle worker. He'd examined his ribs - Rucks swore they were broken - and suddenly, he said they were just bruised! It was a strange revelation, the pain seemed to let up quite a bit. The doctor claimed it was some form of placebo. But he must have been using it as some way to cover up the magical words he must have been speaking. Rucks therefore took quite the spring in his step. He was very nearly skipping and often you could see his leg twitch as he had to stop himself actually committing himself to such a task. He was back on the ship now but had little to do, he had to admit it was quite the vessel. He walked over to the opposite rail from the dock, the view was incredible. Nothing like Rucks had bothered to see from his old home. Vast lands were beneath this sea of sky, a seabed of prosperity. Yes, Rucks could see why people referred to the sky as some form of sea. If only he had thought of it himself. He hadn't realised it himself but he had climbed onto the railing and was only holding onto the ship via a single rope, leaning out over the vast expanse. He was too indulged within his own world of sky pirates, adventure and treasure. Looting and fighting, drinking and singing. It was something a child might have come up with and It was enough to coverup the now waning pain of his ribs. Some form of medicine seemed to be helping with that. Doctors really were wizards.