"Uh... Huh..." Somewhat unconsciously, her head tilted to one side in a confused pose, though she straightened up soon enough. So... No law enforcement, Hmm? No 'deputy or sheriff', as he had put it. So unsolicited destruction of property was okay..? That gave her an idea. An idea of sorts, anyway. More like a seed of an idea: if they could get just a few gems from an urn, then would something bigger result in more gems? Hmm... That really was a terrible idea, but it did have a certain appeal... She turned her back on the cowboy, and faced a building which, after a quick peer into a window, seemed uninhabited. Now... How was she going to do this..? She ended up with closed eyes, and a hand folded into a 'gun' shape, pointed towards the building. All this seemed like it was going to be for nothing, though, as nothing much happened. She tried again. Nothing. And again. Nothing. "Oh for--" she had flapped her arm towards the building in a dismissive gesture, and in that motion, a little spark of something had flown from her fingertips, and exploded with a small 'whumpf' noise against the side of the building, ... Awesome. Just had to build up from there.