[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/vucxyb8.jpg?1[/img][/center] --- It had been three ingame days since the apocalypse began. The open world was...peaceful. Although it was a tense peacefulness, as though it was caused by fear and confusion. Fear and confusion within the Adventurers. The players. Not many discoveries have been made. After the first day, someone had died. They, of course, came back. This lead to the knowledge that the Adventurers were invincible. Because people are immortal, a small group of high leveled players had stationed themselves outside of Lun, killing anyone who tried to leave. Of course, you could leave for a toll, but that amount was very high. This only added to the already tense nature of the city. On the second day, everyone had discovered that all of the transport gates didn't work. Some theorized you had to link them, others that you had to fix them. Some even thought if they jumped through fast enough, you would transport. That didn't work, and everyone laughed at them. Lun is filled with boredom. Since there is never any risk, or reason to try to survive, everyone is just farming enough gold to have necessities for another day (35 gold, to be exact!). Then, nothing. There is no flavor to any food, though, things like salt still taste pretty salty. Each guild that had survived during the apocalypse had gone off and done their own thing. Some disbanded, some started to PK to pass the time. A few even managed to hold onto their members. Even so, every surviving guild had started to recruit as many players as possible to attempt to control this new world. "Female" players were especially sought after, seeing how they were eye candy for more recruitment. One of the guilds, Silverfall, managed to hold onto their members. On the third day, they had called out all of their members to a park only they were in. "Alright, so, here we are." Raime said, Tui following behind him. "You might be wondering why I have called you all here... The answer to that is... No reason! I just wanted to have a discussion with all of you!" Tui sighed. "Sir, that's no reason to call out everyone. Tell them the real reason." Raime had a much less valiant posture. He hunched over, and seemed to have a worried tone in his voice. "Alright, fine Tui. I checked my friends list yesterday... [url=http://safebooru.org//images/717/74067b6468ae0105f0b550e4a74b98b236bbe1f1.jpg]Thandev[/url] is, as I have recently learned, with us. Not in the guild with us, but in this world. I talked to with telepathy, and... I had learned he had gotten himself stuck on the way getting from Ironhold to Lun. He's closer to Lun than Ironhold, and he has no way of resetting his life to make it back to Ironhold... so... I wanted to get everyone here to help find him and rescue him." Raime whispered a few words after that. [i]"Stuck in a barrel"[/i]