"So it seems you are all still interested. Good, now if you have question come see me by the bar, otherwise your rooms await you in the back." He sighed pouring himself another shot of the good stuff and knocking it back. Altha seemed distracted and distant now as he he hummed a song letting himself think and clear his head. Tomorrow he would lead this ragtag bunch into mountains against all odds in the name of Inquisition, Leliana owed him, no ALL of them big time once this job was done. The bard sighed, the drink helped relax him, he was a tough one to get drunk unless you knew where to find old elven wines, those things could make him drunk faster than anything else. Bard sighed and checked his bow string and daggers, he wasn't the best fighter but he could hold his own. His silver tongue was a better weapon thank any blade however, he hoped he would not have to fire a arrow.