The editorial on the state of the Guild was very nicely said. I think most of the people being vocal about it, on both sides of the issue, are simply passionate about the site and community. Some folks get a little over the top and emotional, which is when the insults start flying, but I think overall it's a good sign of the health of the community. The fact that there are so many people willing to angrily defend the site from detractors shows that there is still a solid core to the place that will remain loyal through thick and thin, and that is very much a good thing for the future of the site. Speaking as one of said detractors, the complaints stem from a similar place. I've been part of Roleplayer Guild on and off for, shit, five years now. I was driven to bring up the problems that exist because it sucks seeing a site I once enjoyed hanging out on become so bogged down with bugs and lag and crashes that it ruined the whole experience for me. I have no desire to see the Guild fall and die; rather, it's just the opposite in that I want to see it become great again. If I didn't still care about the place I wouldn't have bothered arguing about it, or coming back to check it to see if any updates have been made (which I've been doing once a day or so), or so on. If I didn't care I would have just left and been done with it. So the moral of the story here is that we all want the Guild to be a great place, we just have differing standards and opinions about what that means. That's not something we should be fighting each other about, so keeping any discussion on the matter civil is really in the best interests of everyone involved.