As Alecar reached the Atrium, he could feel his senses become overwhelmed by the Dark Side. There was so much death and pain abroad that he felt closed in, drowning. Bodies of Clone and Jedi alike were scattered across the Temple floor, the abundance of blaster scores and lightsaber scorch marks alike gave testament to the raging battle taking place at the Temple, the distant explosions and sounds of cannon fire showing deep intent on destruction - genocide. Alecar did his best to reach out into the Force, looking for any Jedi still alive out there, Jedi who would need his help. He could feel their screams, pleas for helps, only then deafened by a terrible silence. But there was still life amidst the Jedi, life that needed his help. He sensed a single presence not too far from him, running in the direction of the hangar bay. He could not tell if the individual was a Knight, Padawan, or even an Initiate...but if there's one thing this massacre was showing him: it was that numbers, and the element of surprise could overwhelm [i]any[/i] force - no matter how old or respected they were. Honing in on the presence with the Force, it didn't take Alecar long to find a young Echani woman running down the halls, apparently towards the hangar bay. "Stop! Padawan!" Alecar called out, hoping to catch the young woman's attention before she continued to the hangars by herself. Before he could explain himself to her, however, he was interrupted by a feeling of danger approaching...turning around, he had a split-second before a squad of three Clone Troopers advanced towards him, holding their rifles up and preparing to fire. Reaching out to the Force, Alecar knew he had to protect himself, and the Padawan at all costs. Without even motioning to draw his lightsaber, he shot [i]both[/i] arms out at once; causing a massive wave that sent all three Clones flying back down the corridor. However without a wall to break their flight, they didn't lose much in the way of consciousness, only giving Alecar a few moments to prepare another attack before they were up and firing. Now reaching for his lightsaber, Alecar only held it in his hand long enough to hit the activation button before throwing it out in front of him, managing to slice a sizable gash in one Clone's belly before the blade returned to his hand. Lifting up another Clone with the Force, Alecar telekinetically pulled the Clone to him just in time to slash him across the chest with his blade. Deflecting a few stray blaster bolts from the single remaining Clone, Alecar lifted the Clone up in the air and repeatedly slammed him against the sides of the corridor before dropping his limp body onto the ground and deactivating his lightsaber, clipping it back onto his belt. Turning to the Echani girl, Alecar finally took the time to formally introduce himself. "Padawan, my name is Alecar Drey. I am a Knight here at the Temple. I feel it might be safest for you to stay with me for the time being until we can find more survivors to group together with."