Shuo was standing behind the Masulu and being a good half a foot taller than him in his armor made him feel very much not at threat. He had had him put his hands behind his head as he approached him earlier with rifle drawn. But even with his rifle on his back and pistol on his hip he felt very in control of the possible threat. He began pulling his hand down behind his back when he disappeared in a cloud. It only took him a second to register that he was no longer there and for him to drop to his knee and draw his pistol. He was near the other prisoners at that moment so he decided to sweep over them and then towards the controls in the room. As he move around he noticed the Masulu had Rareth pinned. In tandom with Shiva he tried to get a shot on him but he figured his odds of not hitting Rareth rested somewhere around 70% as he moved forward and attempted to keep the shot lined up. "Get off the lizard! I will put you down!" Shuo put out over his speakers as he began to close in and thus stopped attempting to aim. Then Rareth teleported out from underneath the Masulu and Shuo opened fire. Plasma rained on the position and scorched nothing but ground and air. Shuo's eye twitched as he looked over Rareth quickly and saw her bleeding. But it only took him a moment to realize what the wounded Rothian was going to say. The prisoner locales were still in play. He ran over to the console withlist holstering his pistol and began the upload to Joint Field Command. He looked back to Shiva as she was administrating field medicine. He smirked for a second, he guessed she ended up getting to use her talent after all. However he quickly turned back to the console and began looking through security feeds. He specifically looked around the control room, he did not like what he saw. There were easily 30 plus traitors moving on their position. It was time to leave, especially considering their job was done. "Alright we have a significant enemy force moving on our position, we need to circle out to a hanger or the Hummingbird. Either way we can't stay here anymore. Shiva grab Rareth a to-go bag and let's move people!" Shuo put the terminal into lock down and drew his rifle and made his way over to the now standing Rareth. "And you'r kind wonders why we engage in sharpening them." Shuo said with a near tone of sarcasm.