The drive soon pulled up to the hospital and Charles got out fast and rushed into the hospital as the doctors tried to calm him. But he was not having it until he saw Amy and even swung his cane at some of the doctors telling them to get out of his way for he was not letting them keep him from his only granddaughter. "Sir please she is fine and breathing but she is getting an MRI done of her heart so we can figure out why her heart just stopped." The doctors said and Charles grunted. "You told me she was fine and that you did test for that" He said and the doctors went quiet. "Well her medical histroy never said anyhting about heart problems so we cancelled the tests." He said and soon got a call from the people and said that Amy had a small leak in her heart and needed surgery. Thr doctor Froze when he heard that. "Well Spit it out now." Charles said furious. "Uh your granddaughter needs surgery turns out she has a small leak in her heart and it cause her heart to clog a bit so she is being taking for emergancy surgy." The doctor said and Charles went quiet when he heard that for he knew any kind of heart surgery was very dangerous. "JUST DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO I WANT MY GRADCHILD WELL AGAIN NOW YOU INCOMPETEN BABOON!!!" He yelled and the doctor freaked and rushed off.