[quote=t2wave] I like to explain things when I really don't have to. I too much the brains. Let me make it simple because the how is not as important as the what. He can absorb matter and then use that to create new matter. The material he can create is dependent on him having absorbed it once before. He cannot create more than he has taken in. Nor can he create mechanical or complex things at once. As a result they tend to be simpler constructs like tools or weapons. The denser the material the longer it takes to create. His powers do not work on living things. [/quote] No no I get how it works and all it's just the application of it that has me a bit worried. The thought of him just taking in a large amount of gas matter, like oxygen, and turning it into anything he wishes keeps buzzing in my mind. But I will give you the same faith I gave Heathen and approve you if you think you can use the power with out being OP? That sound fair?