Once Rareth was able to distract herself from the pain of the wound, she noted how skilled Shiva was with her healing. The ability to use magic for that purpose was far quicker than any normal method of dealing with wounds, but even so, Shiva's treatment was more effective than any field healer she could recall meeting. Granted, she still felt some pain and soreness in her chest, especially when she moved, but Shiva had only really had time for a quick field treatment to get her moving and out of danger. She could receive some more fine and detailed treatment later. For now, Rareth stood up, coughing as she tried to catch her breath. She drew her pistol, which by this point was on its last magazine, as well as her blade. "Alright, let's get moving, but we can't go too far. We need to stay within proximity of our current location, or we might get caught in the fleet's attack. When Bit collapsed the hallway behind us, it made a hole in the floor as well, Let's get back there and climb down to the lower level." She said, taking the lead out of the data center. --- Outside the station, close to the other side of the planet above which they were orbiting, the joint Assembly fleet received their message, and acted immediately. There were six ships in all, three Human, two Sovereignty, and one Rothian, the largest of which was the cruiser-class Rothian vessel. One of the Sovereignty ships was a cruiser-sized carrier for fighters, bombers, and so on, while the rest of the ships were frigates, apart from a Human heavy frigate. Overall, it was a force that was [i]far[/i] larger than necessary to handle a group of rebels in a civilian mining station, but it served as an impressive and intimidating show of force. Even just one of the vessels would likely be able to handle the situation alone. The fleet jumped into FTL for the smallest fraction of a second, calculated perfectly to bring them back to subluminal speeds directly outside the station. Even if the team had not already disabled exterior defenses, the station would not have been able to react. Immediately, the fleet launched their first barrage. The Sovereignty vessels' plasma cannons first focused on key external hardpoints, while the Human and Rothian vessels followed through with precisely and meticulously aimed missile attacks. Most of the missiles were designed to pierce through into the interior of the station before detonating, and since the station was not particularly well-armored, it was an easy enough task to accomplish. Explosions shook the entire station, each finely aimed to damage specific systems. Shields, weapons, hanger bays, control centers, all but one of the power generators; each location was specifically targeted to irreversibly cripple the station, and therefore the rebels inside. The only vital system not targeted was life support so as not to harm the hostages, which were able to be avoided in the barrage thanks to the information from the team inside. Following the initial strike, the fleet scrambled fighters and dropships to board the station through exterior breaches and recover the hostages. --- The team had managed to make their way down to the floor beneath the data center before the enemy force arrived, though with communications back up, they could not afford to run into any more rebels. Fortunately the allied force struck before they could be found. The explosions ripping through the station shook it enough to knock all of them off of their feet, which was followed quickly by complete darkness, then a feeling of weightlessness. The low-level emergency lighting kicked in a few seconds later, revealing that they were all floating in the middle of the corridor. With the station now operating on very minimal power, even the artificial gravity had been taken offline. Rareth still felt quite exhausted from her prior magical exertion, but it did not take much telekinetic force at all to stabilize herself int he weightless environment. "Looks like the fleet has arrived. Now we can get back to the Hummingbird." Rareth said, now through the radio, which included Ashley, Telmeck, and Srath back in the hanger. "I hope you're all trained in zero-G."