Appearance: [img=] Name: McKenzie Fairweather Age: 20 Guild Band: Metal Monkey/Red Hawk (McKenzie will forever be a Red Hawk mechanic but her studies with Alexander have led to her spending a lot of time working with the Metal Monkey band) Archtype: Grease Monkey Sweetheart Backstory: McKenzie is one of the guilds rising stars within the mechanic community. McKenzie was born and raised in Meduzart by her father who was a mid grade mechanic for the Red Hawk band working on airships and their planes. McKenzie spent most of her childhood around the members of the guild and the airships and planes she now works on. Henry Fairweather, McKenzie’s father, is actually McKenzie’s adopted father as she was abandoned by her parents almost immediately after her birth. Henry was in his late forties at the time and saved MAcKenzie's life by taking her in. Ever since the two of them have been inseparable. Of late Henry has started to take on less and less work with the guild has he is well into his sixties. While Henry is at best a mediocre mechanic McKenzie has natural talent when it comes to maintaining airships, planes, trains and just about anything with an engine in it. When she was young, since Henry could not afford to hire someone to watch her and has remained a long time widower, Henry had McKenzie by his side constantly while he was working. As a result of this McKenzie was working on the guilds vehicles by the time she was eight and continued to do so throughout her childhood and teenage years. Initially the members of the Red Hawk band were skeptical of McKenzie’s presence in the workshops and mechanic shops of the guild. As she grew; however many of the pilots and mechanics took to her like their own daughter. Much of McKenzie’s education came at the hands of the pilots and mechanics of the Red Hawk band who took to training her. As the Red Hawk band’s members were some of the finest mechanics and pilots in Aesteria McKenzie's training has been some of the best possible. While McKenzie is naturally talented, far surpassing her father’s talents, McKenzie’s training with the Red Hawk’s has begun to make her shine as a mechanic and pilot. Realizing his daughter’s talents, when McKenzie turned twelve, Henry began to actively seek members of other guild bands to teach her other skills. While McKenzie is not a physically imposing individual Henry found a middle aged Errant Knight by the name of Rorick Ironheart to teach her fencing, shooting and combat tactics. While McKenzie was decent at all of the things Rorick taught her, she excelled at gymnastics and free running. When McKenzie is not working on the Red Hawk’s vehicles she can often be found climbing the buildings and roof tops of Meduzart. Henry is not thrilled by his daughter’s tendency for this sort of behavior but he is happy that she has grown to be so much more than he could ever hope to have been. After her training with Rorick ended at the age of sixteen Henry found her another tutor who has recently returned to Meduzart after a long time absent from the guild. One of the legendary Pavaine brothers, Alexander Pavaine. After hounding the Clockman for months to take on his daughter as a student Alexander finally agreed. Since then McKenzie has studied the intricacies of constructing a variety of things from guns, to the various inventions Alexander regularly builds for the patrons of the Metal Monkey guild. While McKenzie spends an inordinate amount of time in Alexander’s workshop she is constantly finding excuses to miss their study time in order to work on the Red Hawk’s vehicles or go exploring in Meduzart. McKenzie has also unbenounced to Alexander or her father begun to focus her free time on the intricacies of flying. While up until recently McKenzie had been a certified pilot she has since focused her efforts on learning to be an Ace. To this end she has pestered the many pilots of the Red Hawk guild to teach her. Many of whom have agreed to teach her intermittently. Since the start of the war with the Varisie Empire McKenzie has had fewer opportunities to practice her flying skills with experienced pilots but the she has steered her lessons towards combat flying in the hopes that she might one day be able to run combat missions for the Red Hawk Band. While Henry has done his best to keep his daughter off the frontline of the war McKenzie has been chomping at the bit to join the fight. Henry has since been successful but it is only a matter of time before McKenzie finds a way to get into the fight. Skills and Abilities: Mechanic- McKenzie is a naturally intuitive mechanic. If it breaks she can probably fix it. If it flies, runs or moves. She’s probably worked on it at some point. Additionally Mckenzie can assemble and disassemble all of the Red Hawk Bands vehicles in record time as she has been working on them her entire life. McKenzie is also become very good at building custom modifications for vehicles since beginning her studies under Alexander. Fencer- McKenzie is quite good with the supple sharp double edged fencing blades that Rorick taught her with. While she is not the best in the world or nearly as strong or fast as the guilds master swordsman she is quite capable of holding her own in a fight. Gunslinger- Alexander disapproves of McKenzie’s style of shooting which he refers to as “juvenile”. While Alexander would approve far more of her if she was any good at marksmanship. McKenzie is a great shot with the six shooter steam revolvers many of the pilots prefer to use. [i]”Your shooting is so...Juvenile….Fire as many bullets as you can and hope that you hit something. You would be better served by taking your time, Girl” -Alexander Pavaine commenting on McKenzies shooting[/i] Gymnast/Freerunner- McKenzie is quite flexible and agile, her slight stature allows her to get into places the other airship mechanics simply can’t. Many of the Red Hawk mechanics that work on airships refer to her as the “Gorgeous Grease Monkey” because of her ability to climb and get to places they normally wouldn’t be able to when working on the guilds airships. Additionally McKenzie is a fantastic free climber and is often seen running the skyline in Meduzart for enjoyment when she is not studying with Alexander or working with the Red Hawk mechanics and pilots. Equipment: Pilot’s Six Shooter- McKenzie sports a modified six shooter which has been modified to be more conducive for wearing while flying. While it is smaller than the average six shooter it features a break barrel design which allows for fast reloading. The caliber is high enough to punch through light armor at close range but anything heavier will protect the wearer from McKenzie’s six shooter. Collapsible blade- A gift from Alexander on her twentieth birthday. The sword features a collapsible design which makes it easier for McKenzie to wear while she is climbing or flying while being light and sharp enough for her to make use of it in combat quite effectively. The Sword is designed specifically for one handed use and efficiency of space, so it lacks additional space on the hilt to be gripped by a second hand. Mechanics tool kit- Another gift from Alexander, a tool kit similar to his Tinker's toolkit. The bag is designed to be wrapped around Mckenzies waist and features a collection of custom tools for working on vehicles as well as some more general tools for work on a variety of mechanical items. All of which collapse down to about a third of their normal size so as not to hinder McKenzie's freedom of movement. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not quite the same amount of writing as Alexander although in my defense she is about 16 years younger so she has less history. She also has no spirits.