"I don't think so... They have imprisoned the poor girl I tricked into helping me escape but otherwise no. The plan remains unchanged even if there were prisoners, we have our strategy. Now I'll be up for awhile as I have a couple things to take care of the but the rest of you should rest, Especially you." He looked Katari. "I have yet to find a mount you can ride on trip to the Frost backs you might have to walk." Altha sighed his mind he gone back to the moment he tricked that unsuspecting farm girl turned Templar into coming to check on him, sure she was a sweet girl but she had little talent for combat. He had figured that out in the struggle that ensued after he tied her up and gagged her leaving her in that cell as he rushed away in her armor, disguised just enough to make it to the armory and retrieve his items and escape. He turned his head down and shut his driving the thoughts of what they could have done to her from his mind he mumbled. "Mythal please forgive me."