Arlana spun on her heel, raising her lightsaber into a high, two-handed guard, the tip of her saber pointed at the...Duros' face. A fellow Jedi Knight, she thought he looked familiar, but she couldn't place the name. She stood there for a long moment, her eyes wide with terror and rage, then she marshaled her emotions, let out a breath, and closed down her saber. "There's not time to talk, we have to get out of here. The Grand Army is trying to wipe us out." The sentence hung in the air and her mind for a moment, and for the first time she really thought about it, the standard questions whirling through her mind - who had arranged this? How? Why? Nothing seemed to make very much sense, but she didn't have time to sit here and ponder it. The moment of contemplation and the appearance of the other Jedi had jostled her out of her blind flight. "If we're going to escape we need a plan. The hangars are bound to be watched, probably filled with soldiers." She directed the other Jedi to move with her, trying to fall back on her war experience to guide her. She had slowed from her sprint to a steady walk, saber clutched but unactivated in her hand, stretching out with her senses to try and find the enemy and other Jedi before they would sense them.