The Jedi with Gar had decided enough was enough. The rushed out of the maintenance crawlspace and engaged a group of clones. It seemed like they may have done well for themselves, but the few jedi with him were soon cut down in a hail of blaster fire. He however, stayed in that shaft, retreating deeper into the shadows and focusing, bending energy around him, hiding himself from view of the trooper that entered the space, looking for more Jedi. He had practiced this technique, it was draining and he couldn't maintain it very long, but it was just long enough as the trooper reported that no others were seen and left. Soon after, Gar had to end the power to maintain what energy he had. Continuing forward he did nothing to hide his force sensitivity or alignment. At this point the temple was filled with so much sadness, fury, and desire to avenger those fallen that the only way he could tell a consular from a sith lord would be if the sith lord wore a handy name tag including the word darth in it. Following older and older maintenance paths he worked toward the hangar. Figuring the control room would be crawling with troopers to prevent an escape, he instead worked his way upward. Planning to use the girder supports and gangways closest to the ceiling to look over the hangar with the least chance of being seen himself. It meant he would be slower to steal a vehicle, but it was better to have the highest possible vantage point to make his plan before trying to enact one. He just hoped that there would still be a functional vehicle there.