[b] Liam-Baton Rogue-Scarlett/Katie/Tyler [/b] Liam looked up as Katie began to draw, he curiously watched as she drew something. At that point there was no guessing what it was. "Ah....um" the more she drew the more Liam was quietly sure what it was. He didn't say it of course, as if somehow it wasn't he would be rather embarrassed. But, eventually it was called out. Katie then offered for someone else to draw. For a quick second Liam eyes dashed to the others. Before very hesitantly getting up to take the brush. Liam smiled faintly, He remembered how everyone said he was brilliant at drawing. That he was destined to do something with art, to be honest Liam always wanted to do animation of some sorts. "Uhm...." Liam placed a finger to his mouth as he thought about to draw. He didn't want to bore them with a long, if good drawing. But there were so many drawings, suddenly Liam smiled as he started to draw a rocket. Well, a cartoon one. He didn't remember what the real ones looked like, so he just drew a few bits of the rocket before turning around. Did anyone even remember rockets anymore? "Guess" [b] Rob [/b] Rob went back to watching as the scouts decided who was leaving and who was staying. Rob thankfully had his own ammo and gun. Well, once he found it after it was taken by Enrique group. He watched as they made up a plan, which was basically catch the hell up before it was too late. Rob sighed as he moved off the wall. "Let's go save someone!" He said wistfully. [b] Matt-Baton Rogue-Tremblay, Magnus [/b] Matt was busy talking to Tremblay about the place when he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around to see a man who was around the age of tremblay, if not a little bit older. The man seemed to smile as Matt looked upon him. They both seemed to examine each other for a second before both smiling once again. The man let out a hand. "My name IS Magnus, pleased to make your acquaintance " [i] Oh how fancy. [/i] Matt looked at him, he guessed he was important. or just....really wanted to meet him. But he seemed to have this aura of importance. "Ah, Nice to meet you, I'm Matt...Micheal didn't speak of you? But we didn't have that much time to speak anyway" Matt smiled as they shook hands. Magnus chuckled. "Most often don't, But....you could call me second in command here. I'm pleased to hear that you will be joining us." The man's eyes seemed to betray his face. All it did was very sternly look at him. It reminded Matt of a bond villain. Matt looked back at Tremblay, looking at his face to see how he was reacting. Even if you couldn't get much off him.