Katherine wandered aimlessly through the town. It had finally sank in that she was, in fact, trapped in this game with nobody she knows. She had just returned from taking out a few high leveled players that had set up a "toll" on one of the few roads leading out of town. Katherine that that at least then it would give her something to do, but alas, they were eliminated with ease. Katherine gave a big sad sigh and sat herself down on the side of the road, staring at the ground blankly. Suddenly a gust of wind blew over her. Looking up, she saw her mount, Ozy, staring at her curoisly with his head tilted slightly to the left. Her eyes widened when she realized that since the game was all real now with first person and everything she could..... A grin grew on her face. "Ozy! There you are boy! Let's go for fly for a bit, alright?" she hopped onto the back of the Tarragon. "Alright.... now to figure this out.... hmmm... Ozy.. Go!" Nothing happened. Ozy just looked back at his master with could maybe made out as a confused look. "Err..... Yip yip? Mush! Fly! Up! Hmmm..... maybe he's like a horse....?" Kathrine had never in her life done horseback riding... but movies in her mind count. She gave a light kick to the sides of her Tarragon and.... "WHOA!" suddenly the Tarragon leapted into the sky and with a few beats of his wings, they were flying. After a little more frightening experimentation, she found leaning stearted the creature left and right and pulling up on his reins made him go up while leaning forward made her go down. "Alright... I guess that's the basics... Okay Ozy boy, lets try something a bit more fun!" She rolled her pet over and dove into the town of Lun. She flew down the streets, earning the stares of both people of the land and adventures alike as she did. She darted and weaved between the various buildings before pulling up sharply an looping over. All the while, she laughed in delight. It had always been her dream to become a pilot in the real world (I guess it runs in the family), but this was if anything more exciting than that. After an hour, she finally landed in the square and hopped off. She patted her mount's head and gave him some feed. "I guess we should take a break. Go on now, go find some place to rest." she said, motioning the animal that it could leave. With a small nod, the Tarragon took off back into the sky to find a good place to nap. Katherine walked over to nearby tree and did the same, trying to push away the much more darker thoughts that had been weighing on her mind ever since she became trapped in this game.