~~~Dunbar, Scotland~~~ Morwyn stood on an outcropping of rock, poised and gripping the edges of a net that sunk into the sea below her. When her quarry unknowingly swam into the trap she heaved her arms upwards and pulled the unlucky fish out onto the rock, where it writhed and strained against the rope. She had been there a good long while, and though she could have hurried the process, she had always been adamantly opposed to the aid of magic when it came to hunting. Just didn't seem fair, she'd always said. And anyway, she quite enjoyed the quiet and the patience; to her, it was a type of meditation. After she killed the thing she walked towards the cliff-side, where she hoped the tall and looming rocks would hide her fire from the townsfolk. She had gathered wood prior and stacked it, so she sat in the sand and drew the runes that were long burned into her mind: [i]fire, catch, wood[/i]. The kindling easily took to flame and she hung the whole fish on a spit to cook, not caring enough to scale it. It was a spare thing, unfortunately. She would not have extras left tomorrow. She sat back on her heels and considered the fire. Though these runes came easy to her, they were common, and she desired to know more of the nuances of the Ignis style. She was nearly in Perth now. Tomorrow she would pay for a ferry to cross the bay, then she would be in Fife. She thought she might stay there a while and ask around to get a feel for the place. After all, though she was not technically from Connaught, being Irish and being strongest in the Ventus style of magic would both be counts against her. [i]Well,[/i] she thought, [i]perhaps there is at least one open-minded master I could appeal to.[/i] For now she let her thoughts wander. To save her money Morwyn did not opt to stay in an inn tonight, despite her heavy travelling and aching back. Instead she had paid to have her horse stabled, and would likely spend the same amount on a supply of grain from the locals. As the sun set over the ocean Morwyn found it a profound sight. Here she was, near the heart of those who studied the great Fire element in depth, and it looked to her as if the sea itself were set ablaze.