[center][b]1st December, 1999 - Cunningham Residence Luther Cunningham[/b][/center] [i]"Lilly McKinley, please rise," boomed the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot - Lucius Malfoy, also Minister of Magic. The witch in question rose from her seat in the center of the room. Lilly wore a prisoner’s attire; she had previously been in Muggle clothing, but they were taken from her when the Death Eaters had captured her. She is rather small, only 5’4” (1.6 m), and the Death Eaters didn’t care to give her properly fitting clothing, so the sleeves went well past her hands; the pants were far too long, forcing her to pull them up or else trip over them when walking. Overall, the impression one got from her was of a frightened child, and in a way thats exactly what she was. She was anything but a child however, having finished her seventh year at Hogwarts a full ten years prior. Everyone in the room stared intently at the Chief Warlock, waiting for what they all knew would inevitably come next. “Ms. McKinley, you are charged with failure to register with the Muggleborn Registration Committee, in addition to evasion from the Ministry of Magic in relation to this charge. The Wizengamot has found you guilty of both charges, and consequently have sentenced you to a lifetime stay in Azkaban,” announced Malfoy. Lilly sank to her knees. “No!” she cried. “Please, don’t send me to Azkaban! It’s not my fault my parents are Muggles!” A wave of laughter erupted from the Wizengamot, as they looked down at this pathetic display. Meanwhile, a man struggled against two guards at the entrance to the room. “Let me through! That’s my sister!” pleaded Luther Cunningham, although he knew it was useless. He had failed his sister, and now she would spend the rest of her life in Azkaban, and there was nothing he could do about it. He attempted to shout out to her, but she couldn’t hear him. “LUTHER! LUTHER!” she cried, wishfully hoping that he could do something - anything - but to no avail. “LUTHER!”[/i] Luther woke with a start. There was a banging on the door. “Luther! Get up you fool! Or are you still too miserable about your pathetic little sister to perform your duties?” the voice said with a chilling laugh. Luther sighed. He glanced at the picture in the open locket on his table, and a beaming, laughing Lilly returned his gaze. He closed the locket and put on his robe, stuffing the locket inside, as the banging on his door continued. “Quit breaking my door down, I’m coming!” he demanded angrily as he walked to the door and opened it. A greatly amused Bellatrix Lestrange pushed her way past him even before the door had been fully opened. “Well at least you answered this time; perhaps you’re finally getting over it?” she laughed. With a look at Luther’s unamused face, she went on, “Perhaps not. Anyways, we’ve located another Muggleborn that thought they could hide from us. William Keiper. Avid supporter of those filthy Ashes. The Dark Lord expects you to join the raid. Be there at noon, and not a minute after.” “And If the Dark Lord finds that I am absent?” Luther prodded, although he already knew what the reply would be. “Oh, but you won’t be absent, Luther!” Lestrange exclaimed, clearly enjoying every bit of this encounter. “We both already know that. See you then, my poor, miserable, heartbroken friend!” With a final laugh, she made her leave, and a disgruntled Luther sat back down on his bed. Some ideas work themselves out over the course of weeks, while others spring to life in an instant, just begging to be executed. The idea that sprang from Luther’s head as he sat on his bed was of the latter kind. The Ashes! That’s it! I [i]don’t[/i] have to work with the sick people that ruined Lilly’s life, I can join the Ashes and help end the Dark Lord’s reign! He leapt up in a hurry, grabbing his wand and making for the door, his mind racing all the while. Surely they could use a spy. Why wouldn’t they? They could use all the help they can get! As he opened the door, he paused. “But how to make them trust me?” Luther pondered. Why should the only people remaining to oppose the Death Eaters trust someone they think is their enemy? Instantly he knew the answer to his problem. I’ll go warn Keiper of the danger he’s in. Surely then they’ll have reason enough to trust me! What’s that witch’s name… Jia Shang? That’s it! Supposedly she has a cell phone - whatever that is - and every Muggleborn around can contact her with it. In return for saving him, surely I can persuade Keiper to pass on a message? Fair enough repayment, I’d say, for saving him from a life in Azkaban! Luther strode out the door, closing it behind him, with renewed resolve in his heart. I’ll make them pay for what they did, Lilly! Later that day, Bellatrix, with a small gathering of Death Eaters behind her, blew open the door and rushed into William Keiper’s cottage. A moment later, the assembled Death Eaters heard her scream, [i]”WHERE IS HE?!”[/i] The Death Eaters rushed into the cottage, and Bellatrix yelled at them to spread out and search the entire premises. “Search every room! Every corner! He MUST be here!” Luther smiled to himself and looked Southeast, where he knew that Mr. Keiper was already several hundred miles away with a cousin in Germany. “Let’s just hope he held his end of the deal,” Luther thought.