Nah my desk is pretty clean.. and neat.. and oraganized... and minimalistic. XD I liked the read Kapu, knowing what I know this should be pretty good. You did reveal quite a lot though *wink*. I wonder who will be the first to figure the fun things about your character out. Anyways, tomorrow night I will add a listings of the current "World Events" [s](AKA Problems you need to fucking solve or the island is going to go to shit)[/s] Which are unique opportunities for plot line interaction, should they be left alone... well. I am the evil gm. But for those of you reading. Rising wolf attacks in Stoneshire and the surrounding area (including the small town of Rivendale). The "void infection" zombifying citizens in Sylwnn. The rising support for a supposed rebel bastard in Olnesse (I think Kapu is taking direction on that one though, being that he suggest the rebel bastard was traveling, so keep up on his IC if that interests you.) The rising banditry around Highmill, who are also running short on medical and military aid atm, meaning they're kind of SOL. Incredibly dangerous and hostile waters around the island. Rising sightings and reports of attack concerning the voidlings. A strange man has "washed ashore" in Highmill, but requires medical aid, for which they have none, as much of their remaining medicine has gone missing. Rumors of void cultists in Sylwnn. Infestion of voidling spiders in arclight aftering tunneling revealed a very large nest of them, and a broodmother to boot, (spiders ranging in all sizes and types) which is shortening the supply of common and precious metals, and the gem trade is in low supply (Callthecops that's all yours.) And of course the king being bed ridden (for about a year now) with a sickness, truth of it kept from the public, and the prince wanting to sail to distant shores (if there are any) in search of aid or artifact, as no healing has cured the king's ailments, bringing up the stakes of the political game. Have fun.