Liz formed a new water body to escape from the decaying old one which Chase had infected somehow "A decay ability of anything that gets close?" She pondered out loud as the red markings wore off and Liz's voice turned back to normal, it was true she was not even in the same league as Chase, it was like an ant was challenging god from her perspective. Falling to her knees Liz had almost lost all her will to fight as she punched the ground below. Looking up at where Chase was she decided to try one final attack, she summoned the water bottle she had prepared from before. She pulled only a small amount of the glowing water from the bottle and firing it towards Chase. This water was special, back on Liz's island where it came from it was nicknamed holy water. The water if made contact would likely burn away at her opponents skin for hours if not removed quickly making it extremely dangerous for both the user and anyone it was used against. If this did not even work a bit Liz would just give up.