The ally stank of dead rats and rotten food. but the smell didn't halt the small gathering of people their. The small group of people where in the process of purchasing some goods from a young man with purple eyes. who seemed to almost effortlessly cater to the crowds need until they begun to disperse satisfied with their product. Which in fact was just a batch of weak healing potions nothing really special about them but the adventurers that had purchased them, wanted them for when they could get out of Lun and into the vast stretch of land between Lun and Ironhold. Charak let out a heavy sigh of relief as the last person left, It was strenuous to cater to so many. Charak had spent the majority of the apocalypse trying to get enough cash to pay the toll. he was getting closer to the required amount another sale like that and he would be able to come and go as he pleased, as much as he didn't like having to pay a toll, and the fact that players could revive at the cathedral. Going against a Group of high level players on his own and being a lower level is asking for suicide. Leaving the alleyway Charak took to the main street where Landers where selling their produce to other people. The food was terrible though but a necessity to live. Charak brought some water and some bread, he chewed the bread slowly. Still the same horrible taste as always, the water was alright, he didn't mind the water because it tasted as it should. wiping his mouth with his glove. Charak continued to walk until something passed overhead towards the town square. "what the bloody hell" Charak said in retort to the flying beast. (much to the disgust of the old Lander woman next to him.) Charak started to run through the street. The Creature whatever it was, happened to be faster then he was so Charak started to lose sight of it. until he saw it land on the other side of the building in the town square. Creeping slowly around the building he noticed the dragon like beast being fed by a Archer Girl. The Dragon thing Flapped its scaly wings and flew off somewhere. "well thats helpful" Charak said with a smirk. he could ask to borrow that dragon thing to get out of Lun. perhaps he was getting full of himself. his sheathed dagger clanked softly as he moved towards the tree where the archer was resting. The menu popped up. [i]Level 90 - Assassin[/i]. Charak retorted backwards with a look of fear spreading across his face before subsiding quickly as it had appeared. but the Archer assassin was stronger then he was. Like most of the Tryhards and veteran's. Never the less he continued to stare at The Assassin. his mind working over time on what to do next...