Superior blonde-haired, blue-eyed [s]Axis[/s] Magus [hider=Mastah] [b]Name(s):[/b] Annabelle Rotwald [b]Faction:[/b] Allies [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Birthday:[/b] 01/01 [b]Personality:[/b] Cold and aloof, Annabelle is someone who thinks herself as someone who belongs to the top of the world, who is far superior than the common crowd. As long as she can further her own goals, she doesn't care who or what might be damaged in the process. A "the end justifies the means" type. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=] [b]Biography:[/b] Including Annabelle, the Rotwalds are at this point a 9th generation magus family, who try to, surprise surprise, find a way to the Root. Since the early days, they focused on creating the perfect body for themselves, undying and able to survive any war or natural catastrophe that might happen, so that they could work without having to bother with slightly annoying things like death and sickness. As the middle one of three siblings, Annabelle was never supposed to learn magic from her father in the first place, however due to the disgrace her older brother was, that changed very quickly. It was as it turned out the right decision, as she proofed to have a natural talent for her family's craft and was quite artistic at that. Unlike with her older brother, whom the whole family resented, she had a soft spot for her little sister and spent as much time with her as she could, until the the day of the very unfortunate accident she was involved in. Annabelle loved her sister so much, that all of her dolls are modelled and named after her. With the Grail War starting again in Fuyuki, it was only natural that one of the most prestigious, if slightly notorious magus families of the Mage's Association would be called upon to participate. It might also have had something to do with certain strings being pulled behind the curtains. Be as it may, the Grail was the perfect chance to open a way to the Root, so of course Annabelle was set on joining the war, even if she'd have to crush a few heads on the way. [b]Elemental Affinity:[/b] Wind [b]Number of Magic Circuits:[/b] A [b]Quality of Magic Circuits:[/b] B [b]Prana Tank:[/b] A [b]Magecraft:[/b] [i]Puppet Master (Creation, Control):[/i] The ability to create and control Puppets and Automata. Annabelle's puppets are of a very high quality and can take a lot more than normal dolls without breaking. She can also create working prosthesises for lost body parts. [i]Elemental Magecraft:[/i] Magecraft utilizing her wind element. She doesn't know any highly complicated or strong spells, since she always focused more on her dolls. [i]Memory Manipulation:[/i] An alteration of the mind’s records to make a person forget about a certain event, effectiveness is limited by the number of deviations between what the target remembers and what the people around him remembers. [i]Flash Air:[/i] Displacement magecraft that substitutes something for something else. Derived from Alchemy, the system has a fundamental rule that the replacement will always suffer from degradation. Since it is thought of as basic and low-level, Annabelle would never dare using it with someone else around. [b]Mystic Codes:[/b] [i]Little Alice:[/i] Ten normal sized dolls armed with lances. Her most basic form of dolls, which she uses for everything from scouting to preparing tea. [i]Black Alice:[/i] A life sized automaton armed with two swords, specifically created for combat purposes. Like all of her dolls, it is modelled after her sister. As an automaton it can act on its own, without input from Annabelle, which makes it the perfect bodyguard. [img=] [i]Goliath Alice:[/i] A gargantuan version of her Little Alice dolls the size of a two story building. Since it is far too big to be carried in any suitcase, its parts have to be delivered separately and assembled by Annabelle herself at the place where she needs it. It comes with a XXL sized sword. [img=] [i]Grimoire of Strings:[/i] A Mystic Code in the form of a book, which places "strings" on things, allowing Annabelle to control any number of dolls through the book, without having to pull the strings herself. [b]Equipment:[/b] A big suitcase to carry her dolls, four cargo crates containing the parts of Goliath Alice brought to Fuyuki by ship, a knitting set, a carving knife and a tea cup with "Best big sister in the world" on it. [b]Non-Magecraft Related Skills:[/b] Annabelle is good at making dresses, outfiting all of her dolls with her own creations. She also brews the perfect cup of tea and of course, she can also create dolls without having to rely on magic. Fluent in German and English. [/hider]