[b] Samantha - Baton Rouge Neighbourhood - Abram and the girls [/b] Samantha watched as Jess began to get excited over their find. She quietly walked over and kneeled next to where Jess had laid her baby and began to make cooing noises at him. When she began to speak up about how bad she felt, Sam frowned and shook her head, wanting to reassure Jess that everything was alright. "No. Hey.. Don't worry. You don't know where these people are. Maybe they found refuge elsewhere. The doors were all locked and the windows are boarded up. That means they knew what they were doing when they left the house." Samantha sighed and stood up, walking around and looking through the room. "You can't let things like that cloud your mind, Jess. Not anymore. You have to be strong for both you and your baby. Don't forget that." Sam took her leave, letting the young mother and her son have some alone time in the kids room. She made her way back to Abram and gave both him and Turissa a small smile. "We should probably begin to secure the doors again. I doubt we'll have enough time to make a supply run today. Sunset isn't too far off." [b] Scarlett - Baton Rouge -Tyler [/b] After a bit of silence, Scarlett looked up as she heard the creak of the wooden floor under someone's step. She already knew that she wasn't going to be left alone for too long. Especially after the young man had made a run for it. With a sigh, she reached up and dried her tears before glancing over her shoulder to see who it was. Tyler. Of course. It didn't feel uncomfortable for him to just stand there. It just made her a tiny bit upset that she wasn't able to get a few more minutes alone. "I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to watch over me like a child." Scarlett stood up and managed to smile at him when she turned to face him. "I've made both you and Katie promises." She began to walk up the stairs and stopped when she reached the top, waiting for him to move out of the way. "I keep my promises. My time to find Sam will come. For now I just have to hope for the best." Her voice was soft, listening out to the others playing their game of sharades.