A fraction of a second was more time than he needed, setting his right foot back as one of the wolves circled around to that side and charged toward him, using the motion as the catalyst for the creation and expulsion of several dozen earthen spikes. They would be fired from the ground at breakneck speed in a shotgun pattern aimed in the direction of the oncoming wolf while it was in the mid-point of its leap, making avoidance of the lethal projectiles a tricky prospect at best. Simultaneous to this, his left arm extended toward the wolf to that side and the chain wrapped around it shot forward with nearly the same speed as the stone projectiles, aiming to ensnare the creature. By this time, the third wolf was almost upon him, claws and fangs outstretched in preparation for its impending attack, and Krix dropped to his right knee, using the momentum to help drive his right fist down toward the top of the creature's head with enough force to crush it between the unyielding chain encircling his fingers and the stone below.