Ra, like many other players, had a rough time adjusting to his new life. Although, also like a few others, he couldn't decide if this was a curse or blessing. After all, he always had daydreams about what life would be like stuck in a TV show or a video game. Now he knows! It was surreal to say the least. He was immortal, extremely strong, and had quite a few skills he didn't have in real life. Such as the ability to pummel things into the dirt with his fists. However, he also had to risk pain and agony every time he wanted to get some cash. However, that was rarely a problem. He already had a few grand laying around in his bank account before the apocalypse, and he only needed about 35 gold to get by. But still, Ra wanted to explore and to know. Like others, he wanted to not only adjust, but to prosper. On the third day, his guild Silverfall held a meeting. Although Ra was slightly bothered by it he certainly had no intentions of skipping it. He didn't know if they knew anymore then him, or what exactly they had planned to do. [i] Are we going to do a dungeon? [/i] he asked himself, however he found that to be very unlikely. Even he was scared of doing stuff like that, he was barely able to use the new combat system without getting his nerves wrecked by anxiety and stress. However, that wasn't the only things that made him nervous in this world. He had already experienced PKers and what happens when guilds go bad, it hadn't even been a week in and there were already groups out there willing to shed blood for the gold and items instead of just farming weaker mobs. Many-a-times had Ra been forced to go around places or join little attack-parties to get past blockades. Ra's worst concern for the world at this point was that things could quickly become very bad if one of the big guilds decided to become PKers. But that was a worry Ra needed to save for another time. He was now at his guild meetings! He was worried about being late, but it looks like that wasn't the case. It began with Raime talking about how he wanted a discussion with everyone. Certainly something that Ra could get on board with. As long as this wasn't some discussion about joining the Pkers or theft from the landers Ra would go along with almost anything at this point, he was bored and wanted to help out his friends. However, it looked liked the only thing they would be doing was helping Thandev. The name was familiar to Ra, but couldn't exactly remember anything they had done something together when this game was just a game. The only thing he knew for sure about Thandev is that he only had Raime on his friends list and he was a bit of a weird guy. So they were looking for Thandev? This certainly wasn't what Ra was hoping would happen, but this couldn't be too bad. He overheard Raime whisper something about a barrel, but nothing after. Ra wasn't quick to leave after Raime was done. He'd rather go around with some others. Both for the company, and because he was a little bit nervous about being attacked. Three days in and murder was a little more common then he would like. It is certainly easier to go along with because although you can kill people they never really 'die'. Ra would agree that it is a very nice incentive due to having less of a moral backlash on a kill. Helped your mind rest easier after killing and pillaging.