Once in the town it was quite pleasant.The trick idea was a good one but she wondered if in this game world people would give gems..rupies wanst it to someone performing tricks on the street. It was sure worth a try, and help with the circus thing. There was going on a commotion, and once pointed out Key sighed. They werent even a HOUR in this world and some idiots managed to get spears pointed to them.....Somehow it wasnt surprising to her. Listening to the fight happy kitten Talija moved on her tip toes and petted the top of the Taofkas head. '' Nah, its better if pretend we dont know them. If they end up in prison I can dig them out there in a minute or so. Plus do you think people who happily show off their weapons want to be saved by... '' At this Key turned and pointed at each of them. '' A moon lander, a girl with hula-hop, a short yellow girl?....well you can pass being like a battle cat. The point is in a lot of movies I watched there was always this pride thing going on....so lets buy bandages for when they end up hurt and happy.'' She turned around from them and eyed th people wondering which would be good to talk too. '' I am more for getting a quest for slaying the local monsters. ''