Swift pinched the bridge of her nose as she looked down, gritting her teeth together. She looked back and glared at the Hlaf-Alv player behind her. "I swear, if you don't stop bugging me, I might actually kill you every single time I have a chance. Right out of the Cathedral? I don't care. I'm comin' after you," she said, venom practically spewing from her mouth. The player held his hands up and grinned, starting to back away. "Hey, alright? I'll leave you alone. Just remember, our guild wi-" he was cut off by Swift squinting her eyes, and promptly left. [i]These guys are never going to leave me alone. It's like, "Hey look, a chick! Must have." Holy shit. Its like every guild in this stupid city is trying to get me to join.[/i] Swift kept walking down the market street, weaving through players and Landers alike. It was actually pretty boring in Lun. The first day after The Apocalypse was exciting, at least. Swift had found herself outside the city with a small party, which quickly dispersed. She spent the entire day hunting weaker monsters, just to get used to the combat. It wasn't too bad, once you got used to it. Then she made the mistake of walking into Lun. At first, Swift tried to get out again by charming her way through the guards. Didn't work. So, this and that happens, and she ends up respawning. A few more tries against various groups of guards, with no luck. So, she accepted her temporary home, though somewhat begrudgingly. The amount of guilds in the city was dwindling, and it seemed like every single one was collecting female players. It was not a pretty sight, even with all of the extravagance of the bigger guilds. Swift soon found herself walking around a group of children, all walking around and singing. Ugh, Kids. Swift looked around to find a point of interest, and found one. It looked like a shrine of some sort. Those weren't that common, which was a bit surprising. Most players didn't like taking a near strictly-support role. What was even more odd was the fact that... it didn't look like it worked. Curious about the owner, Swift strolled over to the shrine, scoping out the hulk of armor that accompanied it.