Hello! Don't have much to say and am too lazy to make this pretty. Call me Jupiter or whatever flips your trigger! - I use real pictures or realistic drawings. - I like realism. - I only play females. - Only FxM plots. - Mature. - Have an idea? Tell me! Please have decent grammar, spelling, and be literate.. I would like to get two paragraphs at the least out of my partner. Ideas/Cravings Abuser x Abused (Relationship where the male or female partner is the abuser or abuse-y.) Cheater x Loyal (Another relationship, one of the two cheats and we go from there.) Mentally unstable x Sane (One partner is mentally ill the other is fine. The two will obviously have a lot of ups and downs.) Terminally ill x Healthy (Sorta like The Fault in Our Stars.. however doesn't have to end in a death.) [u][b]Ideas[/b][/u] [hider=NEW! Thick skin, elastic heart.] Idea based off Sia's music video and song, Elastic Heart. For this roleplay you will be playing the main character in a sense. Your character is a male, he's crazy and has just been released from the psych ward because they can no longer fund his care and assume he's healthy enough to be released because he acts rather normal. However, your character has this other side to him. This other side is invisible to everyone else but is always there making his life hell, something he can only see. Because of this he was considered crazy, which is why he was put where he was. This entity has been with him since he was a child, then is was called an imaginary friend and now it is called his downfall. I will be playing this sort of other side to him, she's insane, wild, and untamable. She causes him to make bad decisions and leads him in all the wrong directions. She's evil and traps him from ever leading a normal life. Your character will go through battles, trying to ignore her, trying to make her go away. But she is his other side, she is the side of him that he himself can't express because it is so bad. Once your character is released he finds that his other side hasn't been around, she seems to have disappeared and he prays it is for good. However, not long after being released he comes across a hard decision and she shows herself once more to give him hell and promises that this time she will not leave like he wants. At some point the two will form a bond or connection, possibly even fall in love. It all depends on how the story goes. Basic description of your characters personality: Timid, easily unsettled, unstable, angry, crazed, lost. Basic description of his other half/my characters personality: Wild, crazy, insane, immature, childish, evil, mean, animalistic.[/hider] [hider=CollideCLOSED] [img]http://masterwebcity.altervista.org/image/scale.jpg[/img] (I would love to play a female from the water side.) They come from two completely opposite worlds, one was raised to believe harshness is needed.. That being cruel in nature is what will bring you success. The other comes from a sweeter more soft world, where it is believed that kindness and compassion is what makes the world a better place. The thing is these two races don't live in separate worlds, instead they all live on the same planet.. This causes many issues between the water and fire race, touching causes both races harm. Only a lucky few are able to touch the other without being harmed, this immunity is usually formed by a love towards the other race. However, this is a rare occurrence and believed to even be a myth sometimes. To stop any form of violence between the two races the world has been split so that the two have their own space. The fire races side of the world is dark, gloomy, and dangerous if you don't belong there.. The water race has a calm, peaceful and welcoming side. (The two races look like normal human beings, originating from the human race but becoming more advanced and forming into these two races. Think Avatar in a sense, with waterbenders and firebenders.) Water side: [img]http://media02.hongkiat.com/cities-of-the-futures/suncityadimono.jpg[/img] Fire side: [img]http://www.virtual-lands-3d.com/assets/images/gallery/space/futuristic-city-evening.jpg[/img] So, the idea is our characters somehow meet and form a bond. Of course, at first they wont be kind to one another due to being raised to think the other is unnatural and something to stay away from or hate. [img]http://parnasse.ru/images/photos/medium/article118955.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=NEW! Neverland] [img]http://fangirlsarewe.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/aazp_jiml.png[/img] **This is a darker version of Peter Pan.** I have some new ideas, I would love to try and do a Peter Pan based roleplay. I want my partner to play the role of Peter Pan but a more devious/evil/deceiving/flirtatious/bad version of him. What he does is take girls around his age or younger from their families and brings them to Neverland where he basically gives them nothing but hell. And when he is finished with his games and trickery he kills the girl off. However, things change some when he takes my character and finds that she is not fearful of him or his tricks like all the other girls are. The lost boys will also be incorporated, I will play some of them and would love if you could play a few as well. They will be minor characters and would also be darker versions of the originals, more evil in a sense. [img]https://courtingmadness.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/peter_pan_tree_by_crorien.jpg[/img] Instead of them being in the 12-13 age range like in the movies they will be in the 15-17 age range. I would like for Peter to be older. If you aren't sure who you'd use for your Peter Pan, take a look at the Once Upon a Time version of him. [url=https://www.google.com/search?q=evil+peter+pan&biw=1366&bih=622&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=TbGfVIK4O8fVoATd6YCoCA&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=evil+peter+pan+once+upon+a+time]Click me![/url][/hider] The Vampire Diaries Abandoned White Dove [u][b]In depth plots[/b][/u] [hider=The Vampire Diaries] SPOILERS IN THIS PLOT This idea has two choices, and yes we will be playing characters from the show. The first idea is a pairing between Bonnie and Kai who are still stuck in Kai's prison. This plot would consist of the two hating one another for a while before growing to form a bond sooner or later due to the fact they're the only ones in this hell. With Bonnie magic-less Kai finds her useless and attempts to kill her on a few occasions but can't bring himself to do so, blaming this sudden weakness on some made of story that the longer he stays in his prison, the weaker he grows. Although the story could be true Bonnie doesn't buy it but nonetheless goes along with it. There will be romance, violence, and strong language. Must be mature and must also be up to date on the show. I will play Bonnie you play Kai. The second plot is a pairing between Damon and Elena. Elena still doesn't have her memories. Damon let her go because of his love for her and Elena is left confused and as if she has a piece missing from her. Although she has a connection with Liam, she still finds herself wanting and needing to have her old memories back so that she can be for sure about what and who she wants. Damon finds himself distraught and drinking almost every night, trying to get over the fact that Elena wiped him from her mind and that she was now moving on with another guy. Will the two ever find their lost love? Will Elena remember, and how is she going to get her memories back? I will play as Elena and you can play as Damon and Liam if you'd like or just Damon. Again, maturity, romance, violence, and must be up to date.[/hider] [hider=Abandoned/TAKEN] They met online, their relationship was kept hidden and a secret from everyone they knew because it wasn't supposed to be serious at first. As time went on and years passed they grew closer and soon fell into a deep love that captured both of them. But, when one suddenly disappears the other is left abandoned and wondering what she did wrong. He would message her daily, she'd wake up to a "Good morning beautiful.." and now she woke up to a blank screen and old memories. Where had he gone? Why had he gone? When he suddenly replies back after two years have passed her questions reappear after she had just begun drowning out her love for him.. For this plot you decide why he disappeared, which means you play the guy and I play the girl. They will meet at some point if their relationship works. Same as all my other plots, maturity, violence, romance.[/hider] [hider=White Dove/TAKEN] She is pure, she is sweet, she is the girl you'd kill to meet. She is kind, she is smart, she has the purest heart. She goes to church and listens to the pastor preach. She follows the rules and abides to the laws. Never has she ever had any flaws. That is until she met him.. He was the complete opposite of what he usually went after. He never looked for a girl that would stick with him. He just wanted someone to use for a while but this time a flame was ignited when he met the white dove of the town. But.. was she as perfect and as happy as everyone assumed? Was it possible to have a family that didn't fight or have any secrets..? I would play the girl or white dove and you play the rougher guy character that is suddenly interested in my character and makes it his priority to learn more about this white dove.[/hider] My roleplays are mature in nature, so be mature! PM me.