Fear was a relative term, most people were scared of things like spiders or heights - irrational things. Almost everyone was scared of things which were rational; death, murderers, losing limbs. It was the only thing which kept Sera - or Serke as she was no known - going through the first days of the apocalypse. Then someone died and came back to life. Usually your fears would melt away, everyone else's did. But Serke's fear remained, she shifted from the rational to the irrational. It had been three days, Serke knew what her skills roughly did - if she ever got into a fight she may have some hope if it was with a bunny. But she elected to remain where it was safe with her brothers old guild. Her time was spent mostly making maps which became apparently obvious from the satchel which was a filled with them that she carried around - apparently it was called a magic bag. It was funny, she had dozens of maps of the areas around Lun - albeit basic ones without frivolities such as contours - but she had never experienced them for herself. Although it was that fear of having to which had arisen when Raime called a meeting. Not many people knew Serke wasn't the REAL Serke__ they had seen when Elder Tale was just a game. But rather, Serke's incompetent-at-video-games sister Sera. She had only elected to tell Raime and his assistant Tui who were in charge of the guild - she figure it was best for them to know. Unfortunately, that meant that Raime knew Sera was incompetent in the field when he announced the task. Serke wondered what her chances a of getting out of it were. She had two options, try to convince Raime to let her sit the field work out. Or just go along with it and let her party down. It was a tough choice and as Serke pondered it shed tail shifted from side to side , she really needed to get used to this body.